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it is because there is a change in the genetic make up which get inherited to next generation or there is a change in the stomataplasm but not in germplasm

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well why don't you ask someone else?

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Q: Why some diseases are hereditary?
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Diseases that run in the family?

Diseases that run in families can be referred to as genetic or hereditary diseases. Examples include Hemophilia, Male pattern baldness, and sickle-cell disease.

What are symptoms of sex-linked hereditary diseases?

because some people don'tknow the answer to the question

What is some diseases are hereditary?

herpies simplex 1 (not 2) heart murmurs, and osteoporosis.

Are hereditary diseases and genetic diseases the same?

Yes, they are the same thing.

What is hereditary ataxia?

One of a group of hereditary degenerative diseases of the spinal cord or cerebellum. These diseases cause tremor, spasm, and wasting of muscle.

What are the causes of hereditary diseases?

Genetic mutations passed from parent to child cause hereditary disease.

How are Hereditary diseases treated?

Hereditary diseases are typically managed rather than cured. Treatment options may include medication to control symptoms, lifestyle modifications, genetic counseling, and in some cases, gene therapy or stem cell transplantation. Early detection through genetic testing and regular medical monitoring can also help in managing hereditary diseases.

What are some types of hereditary disease?

Some types of hereditary diseases are 1) Tay-Sachs Disease, 2) Hemophilia, 3) Sickle Cell Disease, 4) Huntington's Disease, and many many more.

How is health a biological issue?

Because some diseases can cause genetic and hereditary mutations, meaning it can pass through generations.

What are the advantages of having a designer baby?

It can cure Hereditary diseases.

How many diseases are presently thought to be hereditary?

There are 4 that i know of.

Is an infectious disease hereditary?

Infectious diseases are not hereditary. But there may be hereditary resistance or susceptibility to infectious diseases. Say for example sickel cell trait patients are genetically resistant to malarial fever. While sickel cell anemia is susceptible to malarial fever. Some people will not get AIDS, through they are carriers of HIV infection. Some people living in tropical zone will not get malarial fever and they are genetically reasistant to malarial fever.