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mucus helps prevent dust from going into your body. mucus stops that dust or other things that try to get in. that's why it is recommended to breath through your nose and not through the mouth when not necessary.

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Q: Why should there be mucus within the nasal passage?
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What does clear nasal mucus mean?

Clear nasal mucus or, "snot", is usually associated with allergies. If your nasal mucus is green or yellow you may have an infection and should see a doctor.

What membranes line the nasal passage?

The nasal passage is lined by a mucous membrane called the respiratory epithelium, which contains specialized cells that help trap particles and filter the air. This membrane also produces mucus to moisten and protect the nasal passages.

Where on your body is the 'nasal passage'?

Your nostrils are your nasal passage

What are two functions of the mucus in your air passages?

To prevent any substances like dust from getting in your brain, and to clean out your nasal passage of any substance.

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What do you call for nasal secretion?

Nasal secretions are commonly referred to as "mucus" or "snot."

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Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

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The roll of a nasal passage and mouth is so you can breath in air.

What is slang for nasal mucus?

Snot or boogers.

What substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity?

Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

What is the substance produce by the lining of the nasal cavity?

Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

What does 'bijuu' mean in English?

(liquid) nasal mucus; nasal discharge; pituita; snot;