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Food should be digested well so that the important nutrients inside food can be more easily absorbed.

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Q: Why should food be digested well in your body?
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What are the various effects of food in a human body?

Well food is digested. Certain people are allergic to certain thing and can have varying reactions, though.

What is digested protein used for in the body?

What is digested protein used for in the body? Well i think it is when you eat something and then it goes through your body until you have a very lage poo!

What does absorbed digested food mean?

it is said because when digested food gets absorbed it means it is being well not pulled as such but something like that so it can get into the intestines.

How is feed absorbed in an animals body?

Feed = food I'm guessing... It is digested in the same way as humans do - the digestive system extracts the vitamins and minerals from the food and then the unwanted waste gets... well, you know.

How does digested food get to cells?

Well, the food goes to your stomach and into your bladder to get to your cells.

What produces enzymes that break down digested food?

After the food is digested in the stomach, it goes through the passageway and meets the liver, gall bladder and the pancreas; which all secrete enzymes used for breaking down food as well.

How does salt get digested?

Digested molecules of food, as well as water and minerals from the diet, are absorbed from the cavity of the upper small intestine. The absorbed materials cross the mucosa into the blood, mainly, and are carried off in the bloodstream to other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change.

What causes the runs?

Well, I am only ten but my guess of what causes the runs is that, well ya know if you eat something sticky, like toffee, it is digested fine but then because its so sticky, it won't come back out the other end very well, so your body provides lots of water to the digested food, if ya get me, it provides the water to prevent the sticky food getting stuck, if I am wrong, then please forgive me, xx

How does the body use calcium and iron?

well technically the body absorbes the calcium in the blood stream and in the bones and the body digests food with iron in it so really the iron is digested into the body then on the way down the iron is broken down into compounds and goes into the blood stream and into the bones and other parts of the body.

Why is it important to digest food quicky?

It is important to digest food quickly so the other foods will have space and it will be digested well. =) xD I guessmyissx.aa

Why does feces look funny?

well your excrement is made up of old digested food so it made a funny shape:)

How often does a dog die from eating sugar free gum?

Well, i know this probably does not answer your question, but you should not give you dog human food anyway. Yes that does include gum. Another reason you should not is because gum cannot be digested if swallowed.