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I don't truly believe that any one gender is specificly to blame for this type of behavior. The facts are that only about 20% of carriers show symptoms that are easily recognized.

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Q: Why men don't tell their partner they have a std?
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When should you tell your partner about an std?

i would tell him right away ...

What are risk factors for chlamydia?

Risk factors for chlamydia include age under 25, new partner, multiple partners, history of prior STD, and men who have sex with men.

Should you tell a new sexual partner that you have an infectious disease if it isn't an STD?

Yes. The close proximity of two people during sex makes it likely that your new partner will get that disease too. The partner should be aware of that risk and not get it as a surprise.

If both you and your partner are both virgins and have never had any of the forms of sex can either one get a STD from having oral sex?

If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex. If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex.

How do you explain the talk about sex to your daughter?

Dont tell her, get on the internet and show her pictures of some STD's, that will only work for a while though...

Can you get trichomoniasis from a long time partner?

nopeNo. It is an STD contracted by genital to genital contact.

Is it safe to have semen in your buttock?

Yes it is safe as long as your partner is STD free.

If your boyfriend is your only sex partner is he responsible if you are diagnosed as having a std?


Should you tell your partner you have chlamydia?

There's really no easy way to tell someone you love that you have an STD. So, the best way is to sit down with her, be honest, and just tell her."hey partner! i have std!"Be straightforward and come out with it.umm just tell them. I've been working in the medical field for many years and have seen it all! It is very important to let your partner know this because it can cause infertility and sometimes even death if left untreated.First and without exception, you must tell him! This is critical!! Just be open, direct, and honest. I can't tell you how important this is! Please tell him! Then make sure you and him get medical attention as soon as possible.Honestly and quickly. If he does not want to share your health problem it's best he know as soon as possible.Just go up to them and be like yo you gave me a STD. Just lie

What can't people with STD do?

People with STDs should not have sex and should inform their partner of their disease.

How did it come to being?

This is not a scientific theory answer. However, the fact that herpes simplex (fever blisters, etc.) is the same virus, my theory is that men or women with the h. simplex performed cunnilingus upon a partner and that propagated the virus as an STD.

How do lesbians get HIV?

STD's are transferred from one partner to another through bodily fluids released during sex.