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cross contamination/infection is never good, but the very young and the elderly have weaker immune systems so the infections that just make us a little ill can make them very ill. The illnesses that make us very ill can very likely kill them.

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Q: Why it is necessary to prevent cross infection in aged care setting?
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How do you prevent infection and cross infection?

By Taking a medicine from the doctor.

How to prevent cross infection by nappy changing?

Wash your hands.

Why is hygiene important in salon?

To help protect your clients, and the employees as well. You want to prevent cross infection and other things.

How do you get cross Infection?

you get cross infection through bacteria that gets onto your food

Methods of working safely and hygienically and which minimise the risk of cross infection and cross infestations?

To work safely and hygienically while minimizing the risk of cross infection and infestation, always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling any materials. Use disposable gloves when necessary, clean and sanitize work surfaces regularly, and store materials in sealed containers to prevent contamination. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation in work areas and follow proper waste disposal procedures to prevent infestations.

Why doctors and nurses clean their hands so often?

They clean their hands so often to prevent infection and cross contamination between patients.

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Cross infection and cross infestation?

Cross infection and cross infestation happen when and infection or infestation is transferred in some way, like by combs and brushes in a salon. An infection is a type of germ that can cause sickness and an infestation is like lice or vermin.

What are the ways off preventing cross infection in a nursery setting?

To prevent cross infection in a nursery setting, ensure frequent handwashing for children and staff, regularly clean and disinfect toys and surfaces, promote good respiratory hygiene practices such as covering coughs and sneezes, and encourage sick children and staff to stay home until they are no longer contagious.

Give 5 examples of ways in which you can prevent cross infection?

Hand hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Personal protective equipment: Use gloves, masks, and gowns to reduce the spread of germs. Cleaning and disinfection: Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment. Isolation precautions: Implement appropriate isolation protocols for infectious individuals. Vaccination: Ensure individuals are up-to-date on vaccinations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Why is it important to avoid cross infection in hair salon?

To maintain a proffesional image. To avoid legal action being taken.