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Usually from lacatornosentesy which is a Rare disease that can cause your excrement to be small which is not harmful to humans.

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13y ago

More than likely the amount of time between stools allowed build up, or maybe individual consumed excess food or perhaps a lack of proper digestion.

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It's normally the size of your hand....

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Q: Why is your stool large?
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What is stool in the large intestine?

The colon is the large intestine, and stool is what comes out of the large intestine during the process of defecation (That's #2).

What is the name of human organ from which stool comes out?

The stool comes out from the large intestine.

Does emu turd smell?

Most stool does! Acording to my research on your topic Emu stool is very smelly, taking you by suprise whenever you smell it. There is a very large difference in smell of Emu stool from other animals.

Why is there blood and white jelly in stool after taking laxative?

The blood is there because you may have had a large stool, and slightly irritated the anus. The white jelly was the encasing that surrounded the laxative you took orally.

Does chocolate makes you go?

Yes, chocolate in large amounts can be a diuretic (makes your stool soft or runny).

Can eating a lot of Oreos cause your stool to turn black?

Yes, consuming a large amount of Oreos can potentially cause your stool to appear black due to the dark food coloring used in the cookies.

How does the large intestine differ from that of the small intestine?

The small intestine receives the stomach contents in a liquid form called effluent. Its primary function is to absorb nutrients from this liquid on its way to the large intestine. The main functions of the large intestine are to absorb water from the effluent as it passes through the large intestine, forming it into stool, and to become a "holding tank" until the stool is expelled from the body.

What is the role of large intestine in human digestion?

The one that goes to your large intestine is waste or poo.

What is the clinical significance stool analysis using concentration technique?

Stool analysis using concentration technique can help identify parasites or their eggs in the stool, aiding in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections. This information is clinically significant as it guides appropriate treatment and management strategies for patients with parasitic diseases.

What should you do if your cat ate stool softener?

If your cat ate stool softener, you should contact your veterinarian or a pet poison hotline immediately for advice. Stool softeners can be harmful to cats, especially in large amounts, and may require medical treatment to prevent any complications.

How can you use the word stool in a sentence?

I sat on the wooden stool at the kitchen counter while waiting for my breakfast to cook.

Where can I buy a brand new step stool?

The perfect place to find a step stool would be at Argos. Argos has a large variety of products that will fit your needs and you can order online. Buy Step stools and ladders online and have them delivered to your door.