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There are a number of things that can cause cramps from mineral deficiency to certain glandular problems. If drinking a few sports drinks does not help you I would suggest you check with your doctor.

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Q: Why is your finger cramping?
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What can cause hand cramping after eating?

Holding on to your knife and fork too tightly.... or perhaps if one's eating using hands as utensils, then finger-cramping can occur if the fingers aren't stretched enough during the meal? I have no idea - it this question for real?? I suppose anything is possible, so why not that then? ;) Holding on to your knife and fork too tightly.... or perhaps if one's eating using hands as utensils, then finger-cramping can occur if the fingers aren't stretched enough during the meal? I have no idea - it this question for real?? I suppose anything is possible, so why not that then? ;)

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Is cramping healthy in pregnancy?

no. any cramping or pain should be discussed with your doctor

Why are you cramping after a period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Why are you cramping after period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

In what month does cramping start?

Im only 7 weeks, and i cramp all the time. its not bad cramping, but its mild come and go type cramping..

Can dehydration cause cramping in the body?

Yes, dehydration can cause muscle cramping in the body.