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Having a high platelet count may result to thrombosis, meaning, blood clot formation in the blood vessels. This is quite dangerous since there may be a chance that this blood clot (called thrombus) maybe dislodged (now called, embolus). The embolus (emboli-plural) now circulates in your system and may get stuck in an artery causing obstruction in blood flow. This is dangerous if the emboli obstructs a major artery, depending on the organs involve, it may lead to myocardial infarction (heart attack)congestive heart failure, renal failure, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), etc.

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Q: Why is your body making more platelets than needed?
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What do platelets function to?

The function of the platelets is to clot blood.There for it stops blood from flowing if a body part is cut. maintainence of haemostasis.(process which causes the bleeding to stop.) platelets secrete platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF)

What rike do platelets play in protecting the body from infections and disease?

Platelets are not directly involved in the immune system response to infion. Unlike white blood cells, platelets are responsible for blood clotting and would serve to prevent further entry by more bacteria.

What if the quantity of platelets increase more than 400000?

if the number of platelets is too high, blood clots can form thrombosis, which may obstruct blood vessels and result in such events as a stroke,myocardial infraction, pulmonary embolism or the blockage of blood vessels to other parts of the body, such as the extremities of the arms or legs. An abnormality or disease of the platelets is called a thermobocytothpy which could be either a low number of platelets thrombocytopenia a decrease in function of platelets thrombasthenia or an increase in the number of platelets thrombocytosis.

A condition wherein there is few or too many platelets in blood?

Thrombocytosis is a condition where the body has more than 450,000 platelets. Having less than 150,000 platelets is called thrombocytopenia.

Which is a way the body can cool down from fever?

by making more sweat

What are the components in the blood that helps clotting of blood?

The main job of platelets, or thrombocytes, is blood clotting. Platelets are much smaller in size than the other blood cells. They group together to form clumps, or a plug, in the hole of a vessel to stop bleeding.

What was the reason of the making of the Santa Cruz Mission?

they needed more churches

Why the body need more air during exersisebecouse s needed by the lung?

its needed by the lung

What may be the cause for decrease in blood platelets?

It may be reaction of body to certain drugs or more commonly to insecticides from your food. In febrile illness, this can happen in dengue.

Is it true that platelets form a sticky clot when a blood vessel is cut?

The same process that creates problem blood clots leading to strokes are the same helpful processes that stops bleeding from a cut. The body sends platelets to the area. Platelets create a sticky cohesion between blood components and red blood cells. Macrophages rush to the area to begin cleaning up debris. The bleeding is stopped with the clot; healing begins. In a problem clot inside a blood vessel, the platelets' stickiness attacts more red blood cells. The blood components in the blood stream get caught against the clot, making it thicker. If the clot dislodges, it can travel to the heart or brain. Luckily, with a cut, the body reabsorbs the platelets and red blood cells that stuck together to make the clot. Soon, the clot is gone, the skin heals.

What is more important erythrocytes or platelets?

both are important

Why there is no nucleus in RBC and platelates?

Red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets lose their nucleus during their maturation process in order to make more space for oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the case of RBCs, and for clotting factors in the case of platelets. This lack of a nucleus allows both RBCs and platelets to be more efficient at their respective functions within the body.