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Q: Why is the ulnar pulse difficult to detect in some people?
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Where is ulnar pulse site?

The ulnar pulse site is located on the inner side of the wrist, next to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon. It can be felt by pressing lightly with your fingers in the groove between the tendon and the ulna bone.

Does a pulse ox read apical or radial pulse?

They read the ulnar arteries.

Why can't the ulnar pulse be felt?

You can't feel ulnar pulse because, you can't compress it on a hard anatomical structure like bone. The radial artery can be compressed posterolaterally on the radius bone in the wrist region; therefore the pulse sensation can be experienced though palpation.

Did the pulse disappear completely when the radial or ulnar artery alone was compressed?

sorry but i really cant remember . :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Name the two main arteries in the forearm?

Radial and ulnar. Both arteries are felt on the palmar aspect of the wrist- the radial on the side of the thumb where a physician usually examines the pulse while the ulnar is on the side of the little finger.

Which blood vessel is the pulse taken?

Subclavian artey becomes axillary artery. Axillary artery becomes brachial artery. Brachial artery divides into radial and ulnar branches. You palpate radial artery at distal end of radius bone. So you feel a pulse betwwen radius and your fingers. So it is better felt than ulnar artery.

What are the pulse sites on the body?

Temporal, Radial, Dorsalis Pedis, Anterior Tibial, Apical pulse, Ulnar pulse, brachial pulse, Carotid pulse, Femoral pulse, Popliteal pulse, Posterior Tibialis pulse Those are the ones I can think of but there are more.

What is the name of the artery located on the bottom of the wrist that is used when taking a pulse?

That is the Volar Radial Carpal artery, or just Radial artery, for short.

Where can you found the 11 pulses?

You can typically find the 11 main pulses (dried peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) in grocery stores, health food stores, or markets that sell dried goods. They are also available online through various retailers.

Why the pulse disappears when the brachial artery is compressed?

It is stopped because the artery is stopped from pushing the blood forward.

What is the ulnar groove?

The ulnar groove, also known as the ulnar sulcus or ulnar nerve groove, is a shallow indentation on the back of the elbow where the ulnar nerve runs. It is located between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon process of the ulna. The ulnar nerve is susceptible to compression or injury in this area, leading to symptoms like pain, tingling, or weakness in the hand and fingers.

What is the pulse in your arm called?

There's actually two pulses in your wrist. The most commonly used and easiest to find is your radial pulse. The radial pulse can be found by starting at your thumb and moving down to your wrist. Your ulnar pulse is harder to find and is found on the opposite side by tracing down your pinkie finger.