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because the hydrochloric acid is a very powerful chemical which burns through the layer of mucuslining the stomach

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Q: Why is the stomach lining replaced so often?
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Why does indigestion become so feirce?

it itches the lining of your stomach?????????????

How do you know if your stomach lining has been hurt?

If the lining of you stomach has been damaged, then there would be some definite symptoms. The lining of your stomach protects the stomach wall from the acids and enzymes in your stomach that digest food - its is there so we do not eat ourselves! Now, firstly, it is very hard to damge. The 'lining' of the stomach is a secreted substance that the acid wears at instead of the stomcah wall, and it is contantly being replaced. It is very unlikely for you to damage the production of this secretion - you would have to seriously upset the inner workings of you system. But anyway, the symptoms would be quite painful. As you would expect, as the acid wears at the stomach wall, ulsers appear which can be extremely painful and discomforting. So, if you have alot of pain coming from your stomach, especially when you eat or apply pressure to the region, then you should go and consult your GP.

Is your stomach lined with mucus?

Yes, the stomach is lined with a layer of mucus to protect the stomach lining from its own digestive juices. The mucus acts as a barrier against erosion and ulcers caused by the acidic environment of the stomach.

What does inflammation of the antral mucosa mean?

The mucosa is the lining of the stomach, and the antrum is part of the stomach. Erythema is redness, and an ulceration is an area in which a layer of skin or lining is missing. So "muscosal inflammation in the antrum with erythema and ulcerations" is stomach ulcers.

Why do cells in your stomach and intestine divide so often?

Cells in the stomach and intestine divide frequently to replace old or damaged cells, maintain the integrity of the digestive lining, and support the functionality of the digestive system. This rapid division process ensures that the lining of the stomach and intestine stays healthy and can continue to carry out their vital functions in absorbing nutrients and digesting food.

Does anorexia and bulimia make your stomach smaller?

Yes it does, and it rots the lining of your stomach so badly it will ulcerate and cause excruciating pain.

Why does the uterus lining break down each month if the woman does not get pregnant?

because the egg is not needed so the lining of the stomach is not needed to protect the egg. The lining breaks down and this is a period.

What will happen if mucus is not secreted by gastric glands?

If mucus is not secreted by gastric glands, the stomach lining would be exposed to the harsh acidic environment of the stomach leading to damage and ulcers. Mucus acts as a protective barrier against the stomach acid, so its absence can result in inflammation and erosion of the stomach lining.

Why do the acids in our tummy not burn them?

The stomach's lining is protected from the corrosive gastric acid by a layer of mucous. If the mucous lining thins or is otherwise damaged, acid can damage the lining of the stomach, causing an ulcer. While the stomach's lining is able to resist gastric acid thanks to its layer of mucous, the esophagus and mouth aren't as well-protected. So, if there is a problem with the sphincter that keeps the stomach shut, and the stomach acid enters the esophagus, it can cause damage and pain that is felt as heartburn. Excessive vomiting can also damage the esophagus; gastric acid can even damage teeth due to vomiting.

Which tissue has the most cells reproducing?

In terms of overall cells, it would be your skin cells, just from the sheer amount of skin. In terms of how often the cells reproduce, that would be the lining of your stomach. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach eats away at your stomach lining quickly, so your body must rapidly replace them.

Does Percocet damage stomach lining?

percs have tylenol in them. I have a feeling your asking this question due to stomache pain? If so get your liver checked.

How come the acids in our tummy don't burn us?

The cells lining our stomach produce a thick layer of mucus that protects them from the acidic environment. Additionally, these cells actively pump protons out of the stomach to prevent the acid from damaging them. The rapid turnover of stomach lining cells also helps to maintain the protective barrier.