me thinks its sartorius
Oh honey, you're talking about the sartorius muscle. It may be weak when it comes to flexing the thigh, but it sure knows how to add a little flair to your anatomy. Keep working on those squats and lunges to give that sassy sartorius the strength it deserves!
Strap-like muscle that is a weak thigh flexor known as the tailor's muscle is called Sartorius. This is the muscle that connects to the hamstring.
Sartorius is the long thin muscle extends from the anterior superior illiac spine to the distal part of the mdial surface of the tibia. It function is to flex, abduct and laterally rotate the hip as well as to assist flexion of the knee. Putting these together is bring the foot of one leg up to rest on the knee of the other and because this is the way tailors used to sit it is also called the Tailors muscle.
The sartorius muscle - the longest muscle in the human body - is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh in the anterior compartment. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle.
Function of the sartorius is flexion of the hip and knee joints. It is also called as 'Tailor's muscle'.
The sartorius muscle forms the lateral boundary of the femoral triangle.
The sartorius muscle is considered the longest muscle in the human body. It runs from the hip to the inner side of the knee. The gracilis muscle, located in the inner thigh, is one of the most slender muscles in the body.
The sartorius muscle is found in the thigh. It is the longest muscle in the human body and runs from the hip to the knee.
sartorius adductor muscle