If you are talking about the prescription of methotrexate. this is done to reduce the ability of the immune system (which is the cause Of RA) to cause inflammation . the amount of this drug taken for RA is minuscule compared to that taken with chemotherapy. Methotrexate represents the gold standard in disease modifying drugs in the fight against the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Chemotherapy is administering drugs to fight diseases like cancer. Drugs are usually in an IV (intravenous) drug bag- a plastic bag- with a tube that carries the drugs to a needle placed in a vein.
The patient usually is placed in the left lateral decubitus position for proctoscopy.
The patient is placed in a supine position on the operating table with her legs in stirrups and the incision site is prepared.
The patient will be placed under general anesthesia for the duration of the procedure. The advantages to general anesthesia are that the patient remains unconscious and completely relaxed during the procedure
when your patients blood pressure is low.
once the patient is admitted, is placed in the patient's medical chart along with other documents such as the medical power of attorney declaration
So that gravity may pull the solution down the tube and into the patient. It also helps doctors control the amount and speed at which a patient will receive it. (if it were placed below the arm the only way to administer the liquid would be to apply pressure to the bag)
Resume CPR immediately.
, thet most recent set of info should be placed on top.
sitting position