Neil Armstrong was the first human to poop on the moon.
Green poop can be dangerous in massive amounts. If you poop once a day for a week and you have green poop 3 out of the 7 days, that's fine. But if you take a poop and plug the toilet with green poop than that is too much. You might want to get yourself checked for the swine flu cause you probably have it
If your poop is dark green it usally means that you have diarreia or your about to have diarreia.
You can poop green poop if you eat a lot of green veggies. Or a lot of green stuff...
that means it might be sick. If the parakeets usual poop is green that might not mean its sick. But if this is like, the first or second time that its had green poop go to a vet!
Green poop is normal, and is caused by something you ate. There is probably no reason to be concerned.
Your stool can be green if you ate green things, such as spinach.
No your poop is really green! If it is brown you are a doofes! Da
yes because it is green :)