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Q: Why is the discovery of cholera so important?
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Who invented the Cholera cure?

The Italian scientist, Filippo Pacini, would gain prominence for his discovery of Vibrio cholera

Why is clean water so important?

So that you won't get infected or sick. e.g. cholera (?)

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How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.

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how does cholera spread from human to human?

Cholera spread by fecal oral route. That means cholera is there in he feces of the cholera patient in millions. It is mostly transmitted by contaminated water. House fly also play important role in the spread of cholera. Flies sit on the feces of the cholera patient and then on your food, to transfer the bacteria to you.