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it's the cornea

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Q: Why is the cornea sometimes called the window of the eye?
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What is the medical term meaning window of the eye?


What is a clear protective layer at the front of the eye called?

The clear protective layer at the front of the eye is called the cornea. It plays a crucial role in focusing light that enters the eye onto the retina, helping to create clear vision. The cornea is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and is essential for maintaining proper eye health and vision.

The name transparent front of the eye?

The cornea is the raised bump that is clear.

What is the transparent outer layer of the eye called?

The transparent outer layer of the eye is called the cornea. It plays a crucial role in focusing light that enters the eye onto the retina, helping with visual acuity.

What is the out er layer of the eye ball called?

The Cornea.

What is the front transparent part of the eye called?


What is the clear pat of the eyes called?

the outer eye is called the cornea

What is the anterior portion of the eye?

The anterior portion of the eye includes structures like the cornea, iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. These structures play a crucial role in allowing light to enter the eye and focusing it onto the retina.

What is a defective curvature of the cornea and lens of the eye?

the defective curvature on the cornea or lens is called Astigmatism

Do you have a cuticle in your eye?

The eye does not have a cuticle like the skin or nails. The eye has a protective outer layer called the cornea. The cornea acts as a barrier to protect the eye from foreign particles and infections.

Which part of a donors's eye can be transplanted in other's?

The cornea is the normally transplanted part of the eye.

What part of the human body contains an iris and a cornea?

welll it is the lower cornea