Your triceps are ment to be bigger....after all they are two thrids of the upper arm....people seem to focus on increasing the size of their biceps, this doesn't make there arms look much bigger and also can cause great damage. If I were you I would work out your triceps just as much as biceps, if not more ;)
Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.
Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.
By working out the smaller bicep more than you work out the larger one. For example if you are a righty, usually your right bicep is larger, Therefore if you were doing bicep curls I would do 10 with the right and 15 with the left.
Rightie in Batman Arkham Asylum. you can tell because his right bicep is larger than his left bicep
The triceps are the largest muscle group in the arm. So, if you want big upper arms, concentrate on working your triceps rather than working your biceps. .
There are so many bones that you need more than one muscle to take care of them
I don't believe that triceps curl is the correct term, as the triceps serve to extend the elbow joint rather than flex it. Triceps extensions, on the other hand, are generally used to train the triceps group, but they also benefit a rather small muscle, located almost on the elbow, called the anconeus. The function of the anconeus is to assist the main elbow extensors, the triceps, and to stabilize the elbow when the arm is straight.
Yes, because they are bigger than humans.
The muscles that are affected by this work out are mainly your pectorals and deltoids, but also to a less degree, forearms and triceps. This exercise also helps with your latimus dorsi (lats). There are also back muscles involved that will be strengthened.
bse the weight of our body in much case lie over it and cause to be muscular and larger
Males tend to be bigger than females, and have have a larger proportion of muscle mass. As a consequence, males need bigger hearts to supply the bigger amount of muscle.