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well, your muscles produce a lot of ATP (which is produced in the mitochondria, which is a part of a cell, and this is the case for nearly, but with some exceptions or living cells) this is important because during respiration ATP is also produced.

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Q: Why is respiration important to muscle contraction?
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What type of cellular respiration causes muscle contraction?

Aerobic cellular respiration produces energy for muscle contraction but this is not what causes the contractions. The binding properties between the proteins actin and myosin are what give muscles the ability to contract.

Which one of these does not require energy is it synthesis of protein or transmission of nerve impulses or tissue respiration or muscle contraction?

tissue respiration.

What component is not essential for the process of muscle contraction?

Actomyosin does not seem to be essential for the process of muscle contraction. The most important elements of muscle contraction include potassium and ATP.

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What is commonly used to produce ATP during skeletal muscle contraction?

creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, aerobic cellular respiration

Why muscle contraction depends heavily on both good nutrition and good respiration?

your stuck in the same place i am

What type of energy is lost from a muscle cell during respiration?

During respiration in a muscle cell, the energy lost is in the form of heat. This heat is a byproduct of the metabolic processes that occur to produce ATP for muscle contraction.

What is the relationships between cellular respiration muscle contraction and rigor mortis?

Cellular respiration in muscle cells produces ATP, which is essential for muscle contraction. After death (rigor mortis), ATP production stops, leading to a lack of energy for muscle relaxation. This causes muscles to stiffen due to an inability to break the cross-bridges between actin and myosin filaments.

What provides the energy needed for muscle contraction?

Muscle contraction is powered by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is produced by breaking down glucose through cellular respiration, a process that occurs in the mitochondria of muscle cells. ATP provides the energy necessary for myosin and actin filaments to slide past each other, resulting in muscle contraction.

Which process provides the energy that the cells need to contract?

The process that provides energy for muscle cell contraction is called cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, cells break down glucose and other nutrients in the presence of oxygen to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency used by cells for various activities, including muscle contraction.

Constant contraction of a muscle is?

constant contraction of a muscle is called the muscle tone

What role does calcium and oxygen have in muscle contraction?

Calcium plays a key role in muscle contraction by binding to troponin, which allows tropomyosin to move and expose actin binding sites for myosin. Oxygen is needed in the process of cellular respiration to produce ATP, which is the energy source for muscle contraction to occur efficiently. Oxygen is also used to replenish ATP and remove waste products during muscle activity.