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I have the same thing, a mild pain in temple and it has been 4 days. I am wondering if the weather affects it..noticed that both times, there was sudden barometric changes (storm) and pain due to the sensitivity. humm? I was hoping to find an answer too : )

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I just had two teeth extracted a few days a go which makes 5 total gone. They are all in the back however the Orthodontist had to remove my top wisdom tooth and third molar all at the same time. While he did this a lot of pressure was applied to my jaw in order for him to properly remove them. I am guessing your jaw pain is due to the same thing, and should wear off in a few days however if it last greater then I would check with your doctor tp make sure it's not "dry socket" pain. Immediately after your procedure you should apply an ice pack to take the swelling down and then apply heat to relax those muscles. Also goggle with warm salt water and be careful not to disturb the blood clot that has formed over the missing tooth; you need that to heal better.

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Q: Why is my jaw sore from tooth extraction?
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Why is top of jaw sore and stiff from wisdom teeth extraction?

It is sore from the trauma of removing the tooth and it is stiff probably from the swelling. Your doctor probably gave you a prescription for the pain. If not, ibuprofen should help.

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The pain in his jaw subsided a few hours after the tooth extraction.

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Because the inflammation of the gums highly affects the cuspid rise on the upper and lower portions of the jaw.

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You will know your gums have healed after a tooth was pulled when the area is no longer sore. You will also notice the tissue around the extraction side looks healed over.

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It may make your jaw sore or it could be something else making it sore.

What hurts more the lower or upper wisdom tooth hurt more afterwards?

The lowers definitely hurt more. I just had all 4 of my out on Friday (it's Monday today). I can't even tell my upper ones were removed. My lower jaw is still sore - not INCREDIBLY sore, but it feels stiff and achey. From what I've read, this is because the lower wisdom teeth are closer to a major nerve system. Also, the lower jaw is more fragile than the upper jaw, so all of the pressure from the extraction causes more pain. Good luck!

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Osteonecrosis of the jaw, generally associated with tooth extraction and/or local infection, often with delayed healing, has been reported in patients taking bisphosphonates(fosamax).

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A root can fracture sometimes during tooth extraction. But normally the dentist sees it, and he removes it right away. It is rare that the root remains there. The only way to make sure that your root is not still in your jaw is to take an x-ray. See the Related Links for "Wisdom Teeth" to the bottom for the answer.

Can a upper tooth extraction effect sinus?

Yes, the extraction of an upper tooth can affect the sinuses.

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A tooth extraction can get an infection. A dentist or doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

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i was blowng up a small balloon and my jaw popped and i got a sharpain it felt like i could not open or close my mouth and it was crooked so i pushed it back the pain went away but now my jaw is swollen like i have an abcessed tooth and it is sore