

Best Answer

Lots of different things can cause vaginal sores. The best option would be to go to your gynecologist. He or she is a professional and can help you find out what is causing the sores.

Here is more input from contributors:

  • Sometimes having rough sex can contribute to sores around the labia, but it could also be a yeast infection or more serious, an std. The std that it could possibly be is genital herpes. This disease affects 1 out of 5 people and can go untreated for a long time because the sores can come and go away making it easy to overlook. It also can be given to a partner without having any symptoms at all (answering why your mate may not have any symptoms). Because this disease can go for years without being treated, a person can get it from previous partners and not even know it making it easy and understandable to accuse the person you are presently with. The best thing to do is to get tested specifically for this disease because a papsmear doesn't do it. You more than likely have to request it from your doctor. If you have already been tested for STDs recently and know that you don't have an std, then maybe its a yeast infection or just sores from rough sex. Definitely consult your doctor as soon as possible however.
  • Hydritis suportiva. Low-dose antibiotics for life. Tetracycline 100 mg everyday will nip this skin infection.
  • It could be herpes. Most herpes lesions are rough and quite painful, especially during urination, so you would notice them. FYI, being celibate now doesn't mean that you haven't been exposed. The virus can lie dormant and asymptomatic for as long as 15 years, which is what happened to me. Herpes is treatable with acyclovir, which you take when you get an outbreak. If the sores aren't painful, you could be dealing with cysts, which are usually harmless. Next time you have one, go to the doctor!
  • I too have suffered the stresses of vaginal sores for too many years. My doctor says that they are blocked glands. They are as described: red bumps which develop into puss-filled sores, which are incredibly painful until they burst.
  • I get vaginal sores too. I've been to two different doctors and neither said it was herpes, but I still get them every now and then mostly when I'm getting ready to start my period. I know there must be some explanation to these sores but they are still a mystery.
  • I have noticed these myself rather recently. It seems if I use a feminine deordorant like FDS, I get a reaction. I am sensitive to soaps and lotions anyway, so if I do use it, I generally try to spray it on the crotch of my jeans or outside my underwear. They are like canker sores and I wonder if I am not getting them from "friction."
  • I just had my first experience of this problem. I want to suggest something that helped me with the horrible pain, go to a drug store and pick up a tube of Vagisil Extra Strength. It comes in the purple tube, the blue one is regular strength. You can find it in the section where tampons and yeast infection medication is. I used it the instructed 4 times a day and it was wonderful. It soothed and cooled the pain, it was like it was completely gone! As soon as I felt it coming back I just applied more. It recommeneds not using it more that 4 times a day though.
  • In my case it is caused by blocked subaceous glands during ovulation.
  • The very first time that I experienced vaginal sores I was 15 this first one was located on my right labia. This sore was so swollen and filled with pus that I couldn't sit comfortably. I went to my Dr. who drained it and put in a cathitor (sorry not sure of spelling). But it came back again a year later. This time more test were done and we found out that it was something called a Bartholin Cyst. A minor out patient surgery was done to remove the root of it as they put it. I have been sore and pain free for 7 yrs. now. I was told by my doctor that hygiene plays a part in this condition. But that it could also just be a blocked or infected hair follical.
  • The last two times I had a "sore spot" show up I went to my Doctor. My symptoms included one small red raised lump that would first itch and then get sore (not unbearably so, though). I never get more than one and they occasionally develop a small white head but I rarely get a discharge from them. If I scratch them they get scabby but if I leave them alone they usually disappear faster. They rarely last more than 3 or 4 days. The first time I had blood and urine tests and swabs taken (which all came back negative) but I was still worried. Just last week I had another spot appear so I went back again and my Doctor assured me it wasn't herpes but more likely a blocked duct. I have had 2 Bartholin's cysts before, and a "chocolate" cyst, so it seems I may be just prone to this type of thing. I have also noticed that they only appear on or around my period and then often only if I have had sex with my husband (therefore friction), so I would agree that they are hormonal and associated with sensitive skin. I think that I will still keep an eye on them and I will continue to have health checks every year to be sure.
  • I've had these sores since i was 13 right after my first sexual experience. I got about two or three bumps, they were hard and didn't really hurt till I touched them, on occasion they would be kind of tender, if it wasnt hard it would be kind of rised with stuff inside it, like a pimple they hurt the worst. I've been tested for everything and I don't have any type of STD or genital disease. These type of sores are mostly related to stress levels and hormone changes. My outbreaks occur very very rarely once or twice maybe three times a year. My mom is an OBGYN and this is the advice she gave.
  • On it has details about different types of vulva cysts, some of which sound like they could possibly be causing our probs.
  • It could be Thrush. If so, you will need to take a Canestan Tablet and apply cream. You should be able to buy these items over the counter. Thrush can be carried in the mouth and in the genetalia. Thrush itches and burns like crazy. These sores don't itch, just hurt like hell.
  • I have been experiencing sores only recently which have not gone yet. They are red, slightly raised and sore to the touch. They are not puss-filled or scabbed. It seems to be all under the skin. I had a swab test which came back that I had Group B Strep and thrush. I am trying a cream called Timodene at moment which is helping. Thrush is gone (used pessary). If does not work will have to have course of Antibiotics orally. My GP seems to think GBS is under the skin.
  • These sores have occurred with me also and I too went to the doctor to be treated for an STD. They came back negative. This was great for me and my fiance. He has never had any of these sores, however, sometimes after rough sex he will have one. This is different in me however because mine come once a month around the time of my period. I do not know the cause but I do know that neosporin helps out tremendously. I use the kind with a pain killer and it kills the pain and it also clears the problem up within a few days.
  • I may have the RARE answer: BEHCETS Syndrome I do not have herpes I or II or anything Sexually Transmitted underneath the sun, but I did have painful canker like sores in my vaginal area. There is a syndrome called BEHCETS Syndrome. You can find more info. on it at and It is pronounced Buh-shets. It is a RARE syndrome that CANNOT be diagnosed but doctors can come to a bit of conclusion after ruling everything else out. Skin lesions both in mouth and genitalia are sure signs.
  • If you want more info Google Bartholin's glands cyst. For those with chronic recurring problems there are treatments that can help prevent them from recurring.
  • Just because someone has had a herpes swabtest come back negative, that doesn't mean they do not have herpes! After 3 negative swab tests, 2 types of blood tests should be done - first to see if any HSV antibodies are present (does not distinguish between I and II), and secondly (the western blot test) to determne which type is present. Herpes is the most difficult STD to diagnose, and most people who have it do not realize it. If you have been suffering with classic symptoms, do not assume its a gland or hormonal problem, get a blood test.
  • I experienced a pimple on the vagina. It was so painful so I did what I usually do when I get a yeast infection. I soaked in the tub half filled with warm water and two teaspoons of Tee-Tree oil. I did this twice a day for two days and it is clearing up on it's own. I found the pain gets worse right after the bath but then it goes away after half an hour.
  • I had problems with vaginal sores while showing symptoms of PCOS. Apparently the hormonal imbalance that comes with PCOS can sometimes cause vaginal sores. After a month of being on the pill, the vaginal sores stopped completely, and what used to be a weekly problem has not happened for about 5 months now. Have your hormone levels checked! I think vaginal sores will decrease, or possibly go away if hormonal levels that are off are corrected.
  • My educated guess/belief is that the sores are very similar to canker sores that arise in the mouth. I used to get these sores once every two months, and after research, I FOUND A CURE! the cause of my sores was the chemical SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE (SLS). It is a lathering agent found in toothpaste, shampoo, and body washes to name a few. I would venture a guess that using a body wash or shampoo that is SLS free will greatly help such outbreaks. My wife and I are just at the beginning phase of this experience, so I can not give a definite YES or NO as to the vaginal sores.
  • Re: Vaginal sores happening over and over again: If no MD has accurately diagnosed you and you've been told no STD's are present, then help yourself to not be bothered so frequently with these "mystery sores" and run down to your local Wal-Mart or any drug store and pick up some ACIDOPHILUS - which will be in the vitamin section. It is made up of nothing but live GOOD bacteria which will help your body's immune system - and will also cut DOWN the number of times these sores occur. Not only am I a nurse, I speak as one who has and is personally going through this mystery.
  • I have had Bartholin's Gland Cysts for years. Vaginal fluid becomes trapped in the ducts on either side of the labia, and eventually becomes swollen and painful. Masturbation or sex makes it worse as vaginal lubricant is produced for sex but cannot escape the cyst and instead makes it swell up more. This seems to be nothing more serious than a clogged pore on your face. Sometimes the problem corrects itself. It pops and pus comes out like a zit, sometimes when the skin is softened in the shower.
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15y ago

first..the word is sore. if you cannot spell a basic word i would say that reproduction is not the best thing for you right now. how can you be so aware of your cervix? lol to know that it is sore? i have never heard of that before.

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Cervicitis is the number one cause of sores on a woman cervix. The cervix becomes inflamed or infected causing open sores to occur.

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it could possibly be a herpetic infection!

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