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Because it stimulates the immune system.

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Q: Why is melatonin contraindicated in persons with autoimmune diseases?
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When is thymectomy contraindicated for treatment of myasthenia gravis?

Persons with disease onset after the age of 60 and those with thymomas (tumor on the thymus) do not respond well to thymectomy.

What is a autoimmune disease that attacks the joints?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. RA can also cause inflammation of the tissue around the joints, and in other organs and tissue in the body. An autoimmune disease is a condition where body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by the body's own immune system. The immune is designed to "seek and destroy" invaders or foreign materials of the body, especially infections. Persons with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that attack their own body tissue, where they can be associated with inflammation. Because it can affect several organs of the body it is known as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic illness, meaning it can last for years, patients may experience long periods of time without symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive illness that has the potential to cause joint destruction and functional disability.

What determines family size?

Number of persons in a family: Fertility, some diseases, occurence of sexual intercourse, and some environmental factors. Size of the persons in the family: Genetics, diet, exercise, some diseases.

Disorder where persons antibodies react persons own normal tissues?

There are so many disease where in our immune system produces antibodies for our own tissues. To name few are Insulin Dependent Diabetes Milletus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myesthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis, Goodpastures Syndrome, Graves Disease etc.

If someone has an autoimmune disease would it worsen if their immune system is stimulated by something like green tea?

Theoretically yes. An autoimmune disease is where the persons own system attacks itself and stimulating the immune system could worsen the symptoms and disease.

What diseases and conditions does not appear until late in a persons life?

Huntington disease

What kinds of diseases might scientists be able to detect by examining a persons gene?


Why do Mosquitoes carry diseases?

not all mosquitoes carry diseases. But if they drink a diseased persons blood they can easily pass on the disease by passing on the blood to another.

Is there an alternative to salt when cooking?

Persons with cardio-vascular diseases can use potassium chloride - KCl.

Is an autoimmune disorder deadly?

Not all autoimmune diseases are dangerous, in fact the majority of them are not. They can be life threatening and often life changing. Some of the drugs used to treat severe cases can have serious side -effects , even years after treatment has finished. An autoimmune disease is the pathogenic result, of an abnormalimmune response, (Auto=self autoimmune) which instead of mounting a response to things which invade the body, is misdirected and targets certain componemts of *self*, be it in skin, blood , organs etc. The underlying of cause of ever having an autoimmune response, lies in mutated genes, which carry a genetic predisposition.Not everyone having these genes will have an autoimmune response, they are just more likely to. It takes a specific combination of these faulty genes, plus enviromental factors such as viruses etc, and or factors of self such as hormones etc. to stimulate these mutated genes, resulting in an abnormal immune response targeting *self*. Some people also carry an hereditary gene factor. to a specific disease itself like Psoriasis or diabetes. Therefore not all Autoimmune diseases are hereditary. The pathogenic result of an autoimmune response in any individual is the disease manifest. The genes predisposing an individual are a part of a persons genetic make-up and always will be. There is no cure for autoimmunity of which there are over 80 different conditions. Autoimmune conditions tend to wax and wane in severity, and can have long or short periods of remission, which often fools people into believing their alternative regimes are working, when in fact it is just the waxing and waning of the disease or they have gone into remission. The majority of children, especially with skin conditions tend to remit at puberty. FOOD, SUPPLEMENTS, DIET, DETOX OR ANY OTHER ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, CANNOT PREVENT OR CURE AUTOIMMUNITY. All that can be done is to CONTROL it. Please note that ANY Autoimmune Bullous (Blistering) skin condition can potentially affect the eyes, causing blindness.

What are the contraindications for using bitters?

Avoidance of bitters by persons who have diseases of the gall bladder or the biliary ducts, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease , kidney diseases or other digestive disorders.