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junk foods are bad to our health specially in our kidney junk foods have a lot of salts that affect our kidney,instead of eating junk foods eat a vriety of fruits and vegatable like me!!!!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

they make your kidneys fat.

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Q: Why is junkfoods harmful to your kidneys?
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The kidneys remove substances that can be harmful from the blood so that they can be passed out of the body as urine. If you are notable to pass the urine out of the body, it can accumulate and back up into the kidneys and cause damage to the kidneys. This would be very serious and can ultimately result in death.

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Type your answer here... eating tomato peel may be harmful only if you have been diagnosed with any chronic kidney disease.Otherwise it is perfectly OK to eat.

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The kidneys filter urea, a waste product produced when the body breaks down proteins. If urea builds up in the blood, it can become toxic and harmful to the body's organs and tissues.

If you exercise regulary will your creatine be higher?

Creatine is the substance released by your kidneys when they are failing. So in effect no, exercise does not increase those levels. Although some may say creatine is good for muscle building, which it is, but it is quite harmful to your kidneys.

What happens if you don't use charbohydrates?

the body starts breaking down fat for energy and the body goes into ketosis which is very harmful to the kidneys.