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The exercise is one that quickly uses up the amount of O2 the body can take and continues for short times without the assistance of incoming oxygen supply.

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Q: Why is jumping a anaerobic exercise?
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How can you use anaerobic in a sentence?

Anaerobic exercise is exercise such as weight training.

What kind of exercise creates an oxygen deficit?

Aerobic exercise requires oxygen, anaerobic exercise does not. Aerobic exercises include walking, running, swimming, and jumping rope.

What exercise is jumping jacks?

a jumping jack exercise is just when you do normal jumping jacks. my opinion would be to do 50-60 jumping jacks a day!!!

What kind of exercise does not require the use of oxygen to metabolize energy?


Do athletes need anaerobic exercise?


Does anaerobic exercise require body use in extra oxygen?

No, anaerobic exercise does not require the body to use extra oxygen. Anaerobic exercise relies on stored energy sources in the muscles, such as glycogen, for fuel without the need for oxygen.

Why is it that you can exercise for a longer period of time when you exercise aerobically than when exercise anaerobically?

Anaerobic exercise uses about 10 times more energy than aerobic exercise, and you have more "fuel" available for aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise also produces lactic acid, which is what causes your muscles to burn.

What is anaerobic exercise?

anaerobic exercise is an exercise whereby an an individual is active in the absence of oxygen.

What is the chief of anaerobic exercise?

Strength. strength

Is swimming an aerobic or anaerobic exercise?


What type of exercise is lifting weights?

strength exerciseA form of anaerobic exercise.

Is Ju Jitsu an aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

It uses both the aerobic and anaerobic systems extensively