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doesn't your stomach heal instestine heal with care and medicine???? Like lungs of ex smokers Do heal Enquiring damage isn't already too Big same with most things expect few things if it is potent enough toxicity to kill

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Lvl 2
2y ago
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Lvl 1
2y ago
only tissues and muscles that's not repaired is your gums and teeth unless organ failure from other issues happen irrespected by those who don't clean their teet as periidontal disease causes cardiovascular issues alo
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Lvl 1
2y ago
Same with food and alcohol for some things are toxic for me its vinegar I get dizzy around it bad smell to my nose makes me acid reflux occur
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14y ago

This question kind of confused me. When you throw up, what else do you expect to come out out except the contents of your stomach, then eventually your stomach lining? Whe you eat food it goes into your stomach and lies there for a while before it is digested. When you vomit the food which is still in your stomach will come back up.

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