When you feel as though you need to cry but no tears will flow then you are still crying inside you may even be screaming but no sound comes forth from you but you could still be screaming inside as crying uncontrollably and screaming inside without making a sound are just as if not more painful for you often a pain that you have never experienced before with that kind of intensity and so you think that you should be crying as you would usually when you are hurt but the pain that brings no tears and the screaming inside which brings forth no sound from you happens to everyone for the first time at some point in your life and you wont know how to handle it and so your body remains numb for a while until your body and soul adjust themselves to the totally unbeleivable pain that you must be feeling then and only then will the tears fall and the screaming or sobbing will rack through you like you have never known often continuing over a period of time depending on what has caused these feelings within you but they do ease and despite what you may be feeling at the time maybe you will think that you will never be able to smile again but you will believe me and you will never forget what it was that caused you to feel so hurt but you will grow to go on with life and be able to take so many more knocks and come out of those unscathed due to that terrible pain which you have lived through after all if you survived through that then you can survive anything which life throws at you cant you this is true and although it seems impossible to you now as indeed it also felt for me when i had to experience this kind of pain for myself here i am still standing as living proof so that's the best answer i can come up with you will cry tears once your body and soul have prepared themselves for whats coming but you are strong and so let them come let them fall wail rock scream whatever comes until you are all cried out and once the pain eases as you heal from it you will grow stronger and be able to appreciate my answer a little better and maybe be able to give your advice to someone else that is experiencing racking pain just as you may be feeling now and you will know the feeling of a different kind of pain then when that happens because your heart will go out to them as you will know that there will be nothing that you are able to tell them that is going to shoulder any of their pain and all you are able to do is tell them the same as i have tried to tell you here brightest blessings love n light x
Inability to cry is usually related to childhood trauma centered around expression of emotions. "I'll give you something to cry about," and similar -- or worse -- maltreatment.
Denial of a child's right to express emotions is abuse. There is usually underlying -- and strongly repressed -- anger. The person may deny being mistreated in childhood, and may even state that the strong discipline was what they needed. They may also have romanticized ideas about their upbringing and deny being mistreated altogether.
Repressed feelings is an emotionally debilitating condition that may lead to health and family problems. It is not uncommon for highly-stressed people to express their feelings by way of violence, and the stress is related to a number of physical maladies including the possibility of Alcoholism or other addictions.
Facing unresolved anger and grief can be terrifying. The problem should be addressed by a mental health professional, and the person involved must understand that it is not their fault, they are not mentally ill, and the ultimate outcome will be a better life for them and those around them.
You feel an avalanche of mixed emotions.
no it cant it may look like it cries but it doesn't
Babies cry during diaper changes because they may feel uncomfortable or cold, or they may not like being changed. They may also cry if they are hungry, tired, or need attention.
Feelings as in emotions? Not to the same extent we do. They are animals. Only humans have the capabilities necessary to feel the emotions that you and I feel. However, they are capable of some feelings.
Yes you can it makes them feel like they have no purpose and then they start to cry
It makes you cry like a baby
because they are like babies. babies are like puppies but babies dont need walks or dog food.and the puppies father cant get near because the mother is proctecting the baby no matter who it is
no horses cant cry
Cry. Cry and eat ice cream. If its meant to be, it'll happen. If its not, move on. There are better guys out there that will love you forever.
Well you do not feel the need to cry. It's normal everyone is different and just because you don't cry doesn't mean you're heartless
Dakota Goyo Cuz i love him!