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It is because we need different amount of energy in different conditions of our body. When we rest we need less energy but when we do hard work we need more energy. Performing hard work is a difficult activity and it needs more energy. Thus, by increasing the breathing rate more energy is supplied to the cells for the production of more energy.

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Q: Why is it that when we do hard work our breathing rate increases?
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Why does an increase in pulse rate and breathing rate accompany exercise?

Your Breathing rate is increased due to the fact that your muscles are working harder then when they are at rest. This means that they need oxygen, along with sugars to complete cellular respiration. Your heart rate increases so that it can move the oxygen to the target cell in the muscles you are using quicker.

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It decreases because your heart no longer has to work as hard.

Why does your breathing rate change during exercise?

During exercise, your body requires more oxygen to fuel your muscles and produce energy. To meet this increased demand, your breathing rate increases to bring in more oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from your body. This helps deliver oxygen to your muscles and expel waste products more efficiently.

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tidal volume x breathing rate

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it varies according to the kind of work you are doing.

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Typical symptoms of heart failure depend on which side of the heart fails. If the left side fails, the patient might display pulmonary edema and, in later stages, cyanosis. Increases in breathing rate and the work involved in breathing are also expected.

How does excercise affect your Pulse rate?

Fitness affects the pulse and breathing rate because the more your muscles are used the more they are used to the physical activity you are asking of them to do. Exercising puts a lot of pressure on your muscles and heart, if you are unfit it can make your heart work over time, increasing your heart and breathing rate.

How the heart respond to the strenuous exercise?

when you exercise, the heart rate increases, (as does your breathing pace), so that more oxygen can be carried in the blood to your muscles. The more intense the exercise, the more your muscles have to work, so more oxygen is required and your heart rate will increase. The quicker you heart rate returns to normal, the better your fitness.

Why do humans breathe slowly when they exercise?

The don't. Breathing rate increases fairly dramatically when exercising, unless said person is extremely fit (e.g. Lance Armstrong at his peak) and/or not doing any over;y exerting work.

What happens to your circulatory system when you ply football?

In the circulatory system, the heart rate increases and blood flow increses to the exercising muscles, and lessens to the other parts of the body. Your respiratory system doesn't change except for the amount of air flow. By Zahra Naiem

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A material that increases the rate of a reaction is called a catalyst. Catalysts work by lowering the activation energy required for a chemical reaction to occur, thereby increasing the reaction rate without being consumed in the reaction itself.