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Because during child birth the vagina dilates to 10 cm before pushing a baby out! Dilating does not occur before intercourse which is why its hard or hurts to penetrate!

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Q: Why is it painful or so hard to penetrate penis into vagina if whole baby can born out of the vaginal hole?
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Where is the penis inserted for sexual activity?

It can go into the anus,vagina,or mouth. Usually in the vagina... With sex these days,couples experiment and these days anywhere a female has a hole is good for some men. Between the breasts, thighs, feet, inside the anus, hand or mouth. You have to insert the penis in a female's vagina. Where the egg could get fertilized by the sperm.

Is changing to a partner with a larger penis cause for vaginal pain?

No the vagina adjusts easily.

Where does the penis insert the vagina?

The penis enters through the vaginal orifice, and into the vaginal canal. This is located between the urethra and anus. See the related link below for more information.

What does penatrateing mean?

'Penetrate' means the man's penis enters, as in enters the vagina. Example: penetrative sex means sexual intercourse, which is different from sex play without penis - vagina intercourse. I find 'insert' to be better word because 'penetrate' sounds harsh and coercive.

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"Vaginal sex refers to sexual intercourse that involves penetration of the vagina by a penis. It is a common form of sexual activity between partners and can lead to pregnancy if protection is not used."

What does it feel like when your penis enters a vagina?

it feels so good but if you're not used to it it will be painful

If your a women and you change to a man how do they give you a penis?

They sew a dildo to the lips of the vagina, then invert the vaginal walls leading into the dildo, and BOOM! Instant penis.

Is balls deep intercourse painful for a girl?

Depends on the size of your penis. Or the looseness of the girls vagina. lol

Do your first time hurt?

yes! first time could be painful because i male penis is tearing open the vagina of a female so it can be painful but you will get use to it?

What does it mean when your vagina splits during sex?

That sounds really painful. I'm not sure what that means. I hope you're referring to when the penis is inserted into the vagina, and it opens.

Why can't my boyfriend go all the way in?

Your vagina may be larger than his penis, or he may use a position which reduces his ability to penetrate.

What do girls have between their legs?

"There are 3 holes- the anus the urethra and the vagina" You don't pee out of your vagina. The third hole is the urethra, and it is further to the front than your vaginal opening. You wouldn't want to put a finger in it because bladder infections are easy to get and terribly painful.