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1. An understanding of the evolutionary past and relatedness of genes makes predicting genetic factors involved in various syndromes easier.

2. That same understanding helps find us possible treatments.

3. Knowledge of the relatedness of genes helps us to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments before clinical testing begins.

All of these things could possibly be accomplished without knowledge of the evolutionary past and relatedness of lineages, but at much greater cost, and using much more time.

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Q: Why is it necessary to study genetic disorders?
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Genetic disorders are caused by abnormalities in an individual's DNA, either through mutations or changes in the genes. These abnormalities can be inherited from parents or can occur spontaneously during a person's lifetime. Genetic disorders can affect various aspects of health and development.

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Two genetic disorders are Turner's syndrome and cystic fibrosis.

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A genetic physician or a geneticist.

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Manipulating DNA can be done for various purposes such as genetic research, medical treatments, and agricultural advancements. It allows scientists to study genes, develop new therapies for genetic disorders, and create genetically modified organisms with desirable traits.