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1-It is good and important for each one to know his/her blood type, because life full of risks and accidents, so as when some one get injured from a situation, if he/she still conscious he/she will tell the doctor his blood type, and so they wont waste time in knowing it.

even if doctors doesn't know the patient blood type, they could give him/her the (O) blood type because it is general donner and accepted for all types.

2-If some one from the family had an accident, and he wated blood transfusion immediatley, and his type is not available at the blood bank, you could donate blood to him/her without wasting time, if your blood type was suitable.

3-If someone needs organ transplantation, for example a heart or kidney, the blood types of donner and acceptor should be identical.

4-knowing your blood type is like an ID for you and for everyone.

5-when getting married it is important to know your Rh. type is it positive or negative, so as to compare it with your wife, if she is negative, she need to take an injection special for this situation, because the baby will be (+) if the husband is (+) , and so the injection is given to kill the Rh+ Anti-bodies that drain from the baby to the mother through Placenta at time of birth.

6-If both parents know their blood types, they can predict the kids blood types.

Those are the most important tips for why it is important to know your blood type, if anyone knows more reasons please add :)

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14y ago
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14y ago

1-It is good and important for each one to know his/her blood type, because life full of risks and accidents, so as when some one get injured from a situation, if he/she still conscious he/she will tell the doctor his blood type, and so they wont waste time in knowing it.

even if doctors doesn't know the patient blood type, they could give him/her the (O) blood type because it is general donner and accepted for all types.

2-If some one from the family had an accident, and he wated blood transfusion immediatley, and his type is not available at the blood bank, you could donate blood to him/her without wasting time, if your blood type was suitable.

3-If someone needs organ transplantation, for example a heart or kidney, the blood types of donner and acceptor should be identical.

4-knowing your blood type is like an ID for you and for everyone.

5-when getting married it is important to know your Rh. type is it positive or negative, so as to compare it with your wife, if she is negative, she need to take an injection special for this situation, because the baby will be (+) if the husband is (+) , and so the injection is given to kill the Rh+ Anti-bodies that drain from the baby to the mother through Placenta at time of birth.

6-If both parents know their blood types, they can predict the kids blood types.

Those are the most important tips for why it is important to know your blood type, if anyone knows more reasons please add :)

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11y ago

It is very important to know the blood group of each family member so that in case of injury or in any case that a member of family require blood so the member having similar blood group can donate the needy member.

Family members are often the only people near and willing enough to donate many types of tissue, common examples being bone marrow and kidneys transplants. Because a mismatched donor organ or tissue sample can cause major problems if bloodtypes are not compatible, it is necessary to ensure that the bloodtypes are known so thaht risk is not carried.

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12y ago

One of the easiest ways to learn your blood type is to give blood. They will give you a donor card with your type on it. You can also ask your doctor or your parents might know. There are also kits you can buy to find out your blood type at home.

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15y ago

you don't you can live without knowing your blood type

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13y ago

because if it is not done a mismatch can occur can cause death of recipient.

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11y ago

So that if you need a blood transfusion you can't cross contaminate the other person

Because if the wrong blood types mix it could cause clumping. this can kill you

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