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because it improves your health by getting rid of germs..It also aids in visual appeal.


answer 2 If you don't brush your teeth, a 'film of plaque bacteria' will build up over all the exposed tooth surfaces. Also, in your saliva are chemicals and minerals intended to aid in the healing of pre-carious lesions. And they do a good job and indeed heal most small scratches and even tiny holes so they don't develop into caries.

But these minerals become embodied in the bacterial plaque and form the yellow hard material calculus. This may penetrate the space between tooth and gum, and promote gum disease. This is the stuff your dentist has to chip off.

So brushing your teeth will aid these natural processes. Including the use of 'flossing' and inter dental brushes.

By the way, brushing in the morning BEFORE eating will do your teeth more good than brushing after. That is because there will be in your mouth first thing, quite a large population of bacteria. Brushing will remove these effectively. So there will be many less of them to multiply whilst you are eating. The damage done to your teeth by the bacteria is not only the 'plaque assist'. They also generate waste acids that attack tooth enamel.
It is important because the bacteria that backs up onto your teeth can be very bad and go into your blood stream. You could get a blood infection.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Teeth get decayed when the bacteria (plaque) that lives in your mouth sticks to your teeth, feeds on the carbohydrates (eg. sugar, starch etc) that you eat and the produces acid. If the plaque is not brushed/flossed off of the tooth surface, the bacteria continue to make acid that softens the surface (enamel) of your tooth. If this happens for long enough, the bacteria move down through the layers of the tooth, making a cavity.

To keep your teeth healthy:

  • Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste - clean all surfaces of the teeth, right down to the gum-line.
  • Floss once a day to clean away the plaque between your teeth and down on the gum-line.
  • Don't snack on sugary food or drink.
  • Limit the amount of soft drinks, juices, energy drinks and sports drinks you have - these have very high acid (and sugar) levels.
  • See your dentist for a check-up at least once a year. It will work out cheaper in the long-run (fillings and complex treatment is expensive!) and nobody likes toothache when the cavities get bigger. Fix any cavities while they are small and don't hurt!
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10y ago

Dental Hygiene is not only for your Oral health but it is necessary for your over all fitness.

There are many reason to make your teeth clean some of them are:

  • To prevent gum disease
  • To keep your teeth
  • To have a brighter smile
  • To prevent bad breath
  • To help maintain overall health
  • To make the most of your dental benefits
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14y ago

If you don't keep the tooth surfaces clean, you will get holes (cavities) which are painful.

If you don't keep the gum surfaces clean, your teeth will get lose and/or fall out.

Periodontal (tooth) disease like plaque is thought to contribute to plaque build-up that can cause Heart disease.

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Amelia Jones

Lvl 4
3y ago

Dental health and hygiene is quite essential. When it comes to oral hygiene, there are a lot of things to be considered. It includes proper cleaning of teeth, flossing and gum cleaning. Bleeding gums can be a big issue. Proper tips from the professional are necessary.

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14y ago

To make sure they do not rot and decay

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11y ago

so you do not get cavitys and caps

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