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It isn't important, and it isn't kept beating. The heart is stopped, transplanted, and then started again by a combination of drugs and electric shocks. But it has to be kept beating right to the point where it's taken out of the donor's body.

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Q: Why is it important to keep a heart beating when you transplant it?
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No a patient cannot be denied medical attention. You will get medical attention that may keep your heart beating a little longer, but no one owes you an expensive surgery.

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It temporarily acts as the muscles to keep the heart beating and blood circulating through the body.

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Is a 40 second heart pause dangerous?

If you mean your heart stops beating for 40 seconds - yes ! It may mean you need a pacemaker fitted to keep your heart beating regularly. See a doctor immediately.

What purpose does an artificial pacemaker?

It compensates for a failure of the heart's own pacemaker nerve circuit that would normally keep it beating in the correct rhythm. It contains an electronic circuit and is connected by wires to the heart muscle. The electronic circuit generates pulses of current in the correct rhythm to keep the heart beating.

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What component of the heart's conduction system is considered to be the heart's pacemaker?

Furkinje Fibers

Can you keep living by taking others hearts?

Yes actually you can. There have been cases where people take the heart of a deceased person and transplant it into themselves. This is a very complicated operation though, and sometimes the person does not survive the transplant.

What helps keep the circulatory function properly?

for the circulatory system to function properly the heart always needs to be beating properly