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Q: Why is it difficult for people with crohn's disease to absorb all the nutrients the banana contains?
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How do you use rhizoid in a sentence?

Moss contains rhizoids that anchor the moss and absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Why is it hard to absorb nutrients when you have crohn's disease?

Crohn's Disease is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, meaning that some parts of your intestinal/digestive tract are inflamed. This inflammation causes narrowing in your intestines, which blocks the parts of the affected areas from taking in the nutrients.

Do monera absorb nutrients?

They absorb their nutrients through their cell wall

Does vanilla extract help outdoor weed plants grow?

yes. because it contains high glucose for the plants or weed to absorb the nutrients

What are 2 jobs of roots?

absorb water and absorb nutrients

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Lichens are a good indicator species for acid rain. Lichens absorb water and nutrients from the air. They absorb the nutrients that they need from the water. Rainwater contains enough sulphur dioxide to make them stop growing.

What organ doesn't absorb nutrients?

The mouth is one of the organs of the digestive tract that doesn't absorb nutrients. Another is the esophagus.

The inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to damage of which type of epithelial?

The inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to damage of the microvilli of the small intestine epithelial cells, which are responsible for absorbing nutrients. Damage to the microvilli can lead to conditions such as celiac disease or tropical sprue.

How do plants absorb nutrients?

the nutrients pass across the cell membrane

What happens to the nutrients before they leave the small intestine?

The nutrients absorb

What does the colon absorb?

The colon absorbs nutrients, and sometimes contaminants of nutrients.

What type of surgery may cause an inability to absorb nutrients?

Failure to absorb nutrients in food following bariatric (weight loss) surgery.