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Cause it is.

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Q: Why is it bad to sit close to the tv?
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Related questions

How did eyes effects an television?

It is All about how close you sit to the tv.

Is it bad for your eyes if you stand to close to a television?

Yes.It REALLY is bad for your eyes.

Is TV good for your eyes?

No t.v is not good for your eyes if you sit to close to the t.v and watch it for to long!!

How light damages eyes?

the light damages you by if you look at the sun or bright things like you sit to close to TV

Is watching television bad for teens?

What is bad for your eyes, if you sit too close to the television set. Another problem that effects your eyes in the long run, if you watch television in the dark. In addition the computer is bad for your eyes if you are on it too often and it's a must to have a desk lamp over your computer. The television is very bad for your eyes if you sit in front of it for over 2 hours.

What happened if you watch TV very close?

Your eyes will go bad I know because I did it when I was a kid now my vision is very bad.

How close should you sit in front of a plasma TV?

You really shouldn't sit all that closely, simply because it's hard on the eyes and besides, you need to sit far enough away that you can easily view the entire screen and not just a portion of it. As far as getting `too close', I don't think that x-ray's are much of a problem with the newer TV's and that was the only reason for having to sit at least 6' feet away from the TV in the late 50's before they learned to design an x-ray protection circuit.

Is to much tv bad for you?

Yes only if you watch in dim light or if you watch tv to close. other wise it ain't so bad but try not to watch to much tv still.

Is watching television on a large screen in a small room bad for the eyes?

Yes It could. While the old wive's tale that sitting too close to the tv can make you go blind is simply not true, it is possible that sitting too close to the screen (tv, computer, or otherwise) for too long can definitely cause eyestrain (which is temporary), or, in some people, myopia, or nearsightedness (which tends to be permanent unless you get corrective surgery).

How do you sit on your TV?

well put it down and sit on it

What is a TV HDMI cable?

These cables are used to hook your computer to your TV. When buying the cable make sure you get one that is long enough to connect the two. You don't want to have to sit too close to the TV. when using your computer.

Can sitting to close to the television ruin eyesight?

This is a myth, but it also really matters how close. Why would you want to sit so close you get a headache. Your body's really not just being a pest, it's telling you something is wrong and it's your job to fix it. Sitting WAY too close will impair your eyesight. Also you can get headaches and dizziness.