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Because it cannot be produced anywhere else.

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Q: Why is insulin only produced in the pancreas?
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Where does insulin in the body happen?

Insulin is produced in your pancreas.

Where is insulin produced from?

after eating, your blood glucose level goes up and the insulin would kick in, insulin is released from the pancreas and the insulin opens the cell door for glucose and the blood glucose levels go back to normal.

What is the name of the organ or gland that produces insulin?

Insulin is produced in the pancreas, which is not a small organ. There are specific parts of the pancreas which produce insulin, which are called the Isles of Langerhans.

What do the hormones by the pancreas do?

Insulin is produced in the pancreas. It helps metabolize sugar.

What produces the hormones insulin and glucagon?

Insulin is produced by beta cells in the pancreas, while glucagon is produced by alpha cells in the pancreas. These hormones work together to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

In which organ system is insulin produced?

I believe it's the endocrine system....insulin is produced by the pancreas...

Where insulin and pancreatic juice produced?

In the pancreas

Why is insulin the right treatment for diabetes?

if someone has diabetes, that means that their pancreas has stopped working. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and if his/her pancreas has stopped working than that is what they need. They make the fake Insulin using Insulin from the dog. They only use a certain dog, but I do not know which type, sorry.

What do the hormones made by the pancreas do?

Insulin is produced in the pancreas. It helps metabolize sugar.

Which part of the is responsible for production of insulin?

insulin produced by beta cells of the pancreas

Which glands produce insulin?

In humans only the pancreas produces insulin. There are clusters of specialized cells in the pancreas called Islets of Langerhans. The cell type in the Islets that produce insulin are beta cells. (Other cell types in the Islets produce other hormones.)

What does the beta cells of the pancreas produce?

The beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin and C-peptide, a byproduct of insulin. Source: Wikipedia