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because it is a virus. just like the common cold there is no cure. Other answer ( smarter one) What makes herpes incurable is that it hides itself very well from the

immune system and that once someone has caught it, it remains inside that

person's body forever.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infects epithelial cells (skin cells) and

replicate in them quite rapidly but the immune system fights off the

infection in about two weeks because the replication is high and that HSV

does not "hide" in skin cells. During the first infection, however, some

viruses also infect sensitive nerves near the site of infection and are

transported along the axons to the neuron itself where it enters a latent

stage. During this time, the virus' DNA is circular and the virus does not

express any of its proteins, which makes it "invisible" to the immune


Following reactivation of the latent virus after, for example, exposure to

cold, UV light, stress, or if the patient becomes immunocompromised, the

virus migrate again towards the epithelium along the axons to infect

epithelial cells and cause lesions.

Once a neuron is infected, it remains infected for the rest of the person's

life and, depending on each individuals, reactivation can occur once, twice

or up to 20 times a year... or only once every 5, 10, 20 years!

The only thing doctors can do to help patients with herpes is to limit the

replication of the virus using antivirals that targets HSV specifically.

Some drugs already exist on the market for that (in Canada at least...).

The topic application of these drugs reduce the length of the reactivation

events by 5 to 7 days (so that people suffer 1 week instead of 2...).

Infected people can also help themselves by limiting their exposure to the

reactivating agents and to keep their immune system strong.

Scientists try to come up with new ways to fight off HSV by

developing agents that boost the immune system during a reactivation event,

or even maybe a vaccine. A vaccine against HSV is very hard to develop

since it is a very sneaky virus so that it may be quite a while before one

comes available. It seems possible though! So there is still hope to find

a way to prevent HSV infection, if not to cure it altogether.

I hope this answered your question.

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10y ago
Sorry to say no there is not, but there is medications available to prevent outbreaks from happening and to have less of chance to give it to someone. check them out the major one is Valtrex but there are some others available.

There is unfortunately no cure for herpes, that's probably why it's one of the most widespread STDs. An estimated 1 in 5 people in the United States have it. There are however medications you can take that can prevent the outbreaks from occurring or shorten the length of an outbreak.

I highly recommend getting tested if you think you do have herpes. This includes going to the doctor during an outbreak so the doctor can look at it to determine if you do have herpes, or getting your blood tested for herpes.

No. Once a person has contracted herpes, it cannot be eliminated. However, symptoms can be treated and the virus itself can often be kept in remission.
there are no cures
False; herpes is a virus that will always be present in the body.
no herpes will stay in your life forever if u have herpes you dont necessarily get it on your lips you can get it anywhere on your body in your private area in your mouth on your fingers and if you get them just put medicated chap stick or lip balm on your lips to make it go a way
Herpes simplex virus is not curable.
No. The virus always remains in the body. Depending on the person, there may or may not be any more outbreaks.
You can not kill herpes.
um..i don't think it can go away or be cured. but i think theres some stuff you could use to make it less painful and a lil better
Yes it does.
No, there is no cure for herpes. The virus lives in your system for life. Might live there as a dormant (meaning sleeping) and can be triggered by cold, stress, poor diet and "show up" on your skin in a blister form-depending what kind of herpes you have HSV 1 (oral-on the lip mostly) and HSV 2( genital-vagina, anus, penis). However, there are treatments (antibiotics) to make this outbreaks (blisters) to go away sooner than the actual healing porcess would take (7-10 days).
No. Herpes is a viral infection. The only cures there are FOR NOW are cures for bacterial infections. BUT you can find ways to control outbreaks of the virus. Consult your doctor or WebMD they can give you more information for treatmeants.
yes, genital herpes is a lifetime condition. There's no cure for this recurrent infection, which may cause embarrassment and emotional distress. Having genital herpes is no reason to avoid sex or give up on relationships though. If you or your partner is infected, you can manage the spread of HSV by taking steps to protect yourself and your partner.
Anti viral medications are used to help reduce out break and length of healing. The medication is not a cure - they only help make the out break less miserable.
no.for the time being its treatable.but there is much ongoing research for a cure.
Herpes doesn't have a cure.
Sooy hun there isn't a cure for herpes. But it can be managed with antiviral medication which is pretty close to a cure.
While there is not a cure for Herpes there are many treatment options. You should see your doctor for more information on what would work best for you. Answer Once you are infected, the virus stays in skin and nerve cells for life.
Herpes infections are generally treated with acyclovir, valaciclovir or famciclovir - but it is important to note that all these do is treat the outbreak .. none of them can ever actually eliminate the virus from your body.

There are natural treatments as well. Many herbs have herpes-killing properties. There is something called "Herpaflor" sold on the internet, which combines 17 of these herbs.

hell no you cant cure herpes!

For further information see link.
There is no cure for herpes on the market, only really good suppressants which come close to a cure.
No, there isn't a known cure for herpes at this time,
Sorry, there is no cure yet.
Until a cure is found.
Yes once you have herpes you will have it for life. You will get outbreaks then they will go away. You can take Valtrex to help limit the outbreaks.
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10y ago

It is highly mutagenic (it mutates frequently) making it very difficult to identify appropriate strategies to destroy it.

HIV has been incurable because the antiviral therapies used to treat these viral infections only target replicating viruses. In infected patients, some cells have HIV viral genomes latently present, which are not targeted by therapies currently used.

Patients suffering from HIV who undergo HAART therapy (combination of drugs that treats HIV) can stop actual HIV virus from replicating. However, sometimes, HIV can enter a cell, integrate its genome into the chromosome, but do nothing. To the immune system and drugs, the cell looks completely normal, so drugs cannot target the HIV present in this state. However, the cell can at a later date produce virus.

This phenomena when HIV lays dormant is very advantageous for it to remain in the body. This is illustrated nicely in the first diagram :

(If someone knows how, please insert the diagram directly to the page)

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12y ago

The reason it is incurable is because it adapts too fast, for example: the medicines that scientists and doctors produce are based on observations of the illnesses from the previous year, unfortunately the germs adapt to the changing characteristics and they actually form an immunity to the medicine, which sucks, but colds are short lasting (1-4 days). At least they don't last for a long, extended amount of time. I have a cold right now and its at its peak, it should clear up in about a day or two.

Hope this helps!

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as it varies by region and population. However, globally, millions of people live with incurable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes, HIV, and hepatitis B. It is important for individuals with these conditions to receive proper medical care and support.

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