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Methotrexate inhibits DHFR to kill cancer cells. However, inhibiting DHFR also reduces the amount of precursors needed for de novo purine synthesis in the body. Folic acid can hence be administered as it can be converted to these precusors without DHFR.

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Sulphonamides, trimethoprim and specially methotrexate are anti-folates. So you need to take folic acid supplement. Folinic acid is preferred over folic acid.

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Q: Why is folic acid prescribed with methotrexate to prevent toxic side effects?
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What is the most prescribed drug for arthritis pain?

The ten most prescribed drugs can be found in this list ( Folic acid and Methotrexate seems to be most prescribed.

What will methotrexate do to you if you have been wrongly diagnosed?

If you are taking it methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis, you are doing it to reduce the destructive effects that your own immune system is having on cartilage in your joints and other connective tissue. Methotrexate need to be taken along with folic acid as it takes folic acid out of the system. People that use methotrexate need to be checked regularly with blood test to see if there is any toxin build up in the kidneys. However if you have been incorrectly diagnosed it hardly matters as the side effects ( and there are heaps of them) would be the same either way.

Can you take methadone with prochlorperazine?

Yes have had to take them together. Just let your doctor or if you go to a methadone clinic let someone there know, because sometimes pheneragan can show up a benzos on a drug test. I am on methadone and several years ago I had food poisoning and my doctor gave me pheneragan with my methadone so I wouldn't throw my dose up.

What are folic acid's side effects?

Folic acid is considered extremely safe, and there are no predictable side effects.

Does Sulfasalazine cause hair loss?

I have been taking sulphasalazine for several months now (after methotrexate made my hair fall out, so I had to stop it), 2000mg a day. And yes, my hair has started falling out again with this medication too. However, everybody reacts differently to medication, so you might not have the same side effects that I have. The only way to find out is to try it for a few months and see how you get on with it.

Can you take Folic Acid when using Methotrexate for Arthritis?

You must take folic acid with methotrexate because the drug depletes it naturally from the body. Not taking folic acid could lead to severe liver damage. When being treated with MTX regular blood tests should be done to test for toxicity and other problems. ( I take 7.5 mg MTX once a week and 5 mg megafoll folic acid per day. )

What kind of folic acid should be used?

That what has been prescribed by your doctor only.

What is tuscalman use for?

Tuscalman is folic acid supplement used to treat and prevent folic acid deficiency.

How much folic acid is prescribed to treat anemia?

There are different doses of folic acid prescribed by doctors for different ages. If you are an adult suffering from anemia and you are prescribed folic acid then the dosage would be 1mg orally once a day. An infant is 0.1mg orally once a day and if your child then it is 1mg orally once a day. But remember to to read the leaflet given with your folic acid before you take any medicine.

What is Methotextrate used for?

Methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug that is used in cancer treatment. It has also been found to be useful in the control of Rheumatoid arthritis. It is referred to as a disease modifying drug in the case of RA. Methotrexate is an immune suppressant that reduces the immune systems ability to produce the cells that cause the inflammation that it typical in RA. When MTX is prescribed should be taken with folic acid as it depletes the system of this and that in turn can bring about kidney damage.

What drugs are used as a RESCUE from toxicity of methotrexate?

When you are on methatrexate it tends to deplete the folic acid in your body which can be bad for the kidney. I myself take 10 mg of MTX once a week to help stop inflammation that is the result of Rheumatoid arthritis's. to build up the folic acid I take 5mg of Megafol Folic acid every day. In any case you should speak to your doctor as Methatrexate can be a dangerous drug if there are any problems.

What is hemarexin used for?

Hemarexin is a prescription medication containing vitamins and minerals (such as Vitamin B12 and folic acid) that is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiencies in the body. It is commonly prescribed to individuals with certain health conditions such as anemia.