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Causes miscarriages

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Q: Why is epazote harmful to pregnant people?
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Can sucking in your stomach while pregnant be harmful?

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· Epazote

Is it harmful to get pregnant right after stop birth control?

There is no reason to wait to get pregnant after stopping birth control. It is not harmful to do so.

Is it harmfull to a fetus if a man does cocaine while his girlfriend is pregnant?

no this is not harmful no this is not harmful

What is harmful while pregnant?

Smoking and drinking are both harmful while you are pregnant. These activities can compromise your baby's development and may lead to defects.

What factors in a pediatric office can be harmful to a developing fetus?

Sorry but this is a odd question to me but I can tell you that you can safely be in a pediatric office when you are pregnant. Can not think of one thing that would be harmful to you or the fetus. After all, people work there all day, staff get pregnant as well and people bring their children there even when they expect their siblings.

Is pepper good for pregnant women?

You are prone for heartburn as pregnant but eating peppers is not harmful.

Can you drink bleach with something when you pregnant?

Consumption of bleach period is harmful, ESPECIALLY when you are pregnant.

Why are some people born addicted to drugs?

Because if their mother's have the drug when they are pregnant, the baby could receive some of the harmful drug.

Medicines that are very harmful to pregnants?

advil and other pain relievers can be harmful to pregnant women

Is phenylalanine harmful when you are pregnant?

In moderation it is considered safe.

Can Pregnant Women Smoke Hookah?

Smoking is universally harmful. More so for pregnant women.