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Disease will disturb our normal physilogical systems.

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Q: Why is diseases is harmful to human?
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mice can sometimes spread diseases that can kill numorus numbers of human beings and such.

What are the following describe a way in which bacteria are harmful to humans?

Bacteria can be harmful by causing infections in the body, leading to illnesses such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and food poisoning. They can also produce toxins that can cause severe symptoms or conditions, like botulism or tetanus. Additionally, some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, making infections difficult to treat effectively.

How does taking drug lead to disease?

because the chemicals and acids in the drug is harmful to the human body so that why diseases come.

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Microorganisms can be harmful or beneficial. They can cause diseases but the also help with digestion and combat diseases

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Smog can lead to asthma and other chronic related diseases. Smog is very harmful to people, breathing in harmful toxins and pollutants cant be good for you.

How are animals harmful?

animals are harmful at times because they can steal your food and carry harmful diseases

What disease do bees carry?

Bees don't carry any diseases that are harmful to humans but they can carry diseases that are harmful to other bees.

Is cannibalism harmful?

Yes, cannibalism is harmful both physically and psychologically. Consuming human flesh can expose individuals to diseases and health risks such as prion diseases. Additionally, it goes against societal norms and can have severe psychological consequences for all involved.

Why is human waste toxic?

Human waste contains harmful bacteria and pathogens that can cause diseases and infections if not properly managed or treated. It can also contain harmful chemicals and compounds that can harm the environment if released untreated into the surroundings. Proper disposal and treatment of human waste are essential to prevent health risks and environmental pollution.

How can you prevent the harmful diseases?

Wash you hands

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because they can carry diseases which can be harmful to humans

Why is obesity harmful for us?

obesity is harmful to us because it causes many diseases