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Q: Why is colon cancer different from other diseases?
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What are the diseases caused by lack of dietary fiber?

Most common and troublesome disease is chronic constipation. The reason in simple. Almost total food is digested and very little remain in colon to form the feces. Second and most dreaded disease is colon cancer. This disease is common in developed countries. Lack of dietary fibres is 'the' cause for colon cancer. You eat all the processed food and little fibres in diet. There is stagnation of feces in colon, which leads to release of toxic chemicals in colon, which probably leads to colon cancer. Lot of fruits and vegetables, give you lot of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres. They must be included in diet, to prevent the colon cancer. The intake of fruits and vegetables reduce the obesity also. Obesity leads to inferiority complex, cardiovascular diseases and so many other problems and diseases.

Is colon cancer and uterus cancer related?

It could. There is a genetic condition called lynch syndrome or hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) that could have colon cancer and other types of cancers, such as uterine, etc...

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other than cancer, are there other diagnoses for thickening of the esophogus?

Can Fibromyalgia turn into bone cancer?

No. Fibormyaliga is not cancer and can not turn into cancer. Those are very different issues. Fibromyalgia can co-exist with any number of other disorders or diseases.

What causes colon diseases?

Colorectal cancer has no single cause. The risks of getting it are higher if an individual has other conditions like IBS, Crohn's Disease, history of colon polyps, a family history of this cancer, an individual history of breast cancer. An individual is also at risk if they are older than 60, of Eastern European or African descent, or if they eat large amounts of processed or red meat.

What are the list of foods medicines or fruits that can prevent any cancers?

Diet and proper nutrition are vital tools in the fight against colon cancer. ... A healthy diet provides a multitude of benefits beyond preventing colon cancer ... and is a wealth of knowledge on food pharmacy, or using food as medicine. ... Omega-3 fats have protective properties against cancer and all the other chronic diseases.

What is the tumor marker for colon cancer?

There is a tumor marker for some cancers of the colon; it is known as carcinoembryonic antigen, or CEA. Unfortunately, this protein may be made by other adenocarcinomas as well, or it may not be produced by a particular colon cancer.

What are the chances of a female recovering from colon cancer?

Very good. Colon cancer is not a death sentence. Surgery combined with various other treatments have very good recovery and remission rates.

Is there a cancer susceptibility gene found for colon cancer?

Yes, there are several forms of familial colon cancer. Several mutations are associated with multiple colon polyps that can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy. This trait is called "Familial adenomatous polyposis". Other mutations are not associated with polyps; the trait is called "hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer".

Watch for Colon Cancer Symptoms?

Colon cancer is one of the more common types of cancer in the United States. Doctors are still not sure exactly what causes colon cancer, although certain genes can increase the risk for colon cancer. However, if you catch colon cancer early it can often be cured. Many cases of colon cancer are detected each year even before patients experience symptoms through routine colon cancer screenings. The symptoms of colon cancer vary depending on the patient, the location of the tumor and the size of the tumor. More common symptoms include diarrhea, blood in your stool, rectal bleeding, black or tarry stools, narrow stools, constipation, abdominal pain or cramps, gas, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, weakness, unexplained iron deficiency anemia and a feeling that your bowel is not completely emptying. Many patients do not experience any of these symptoms until they have very advanced colon cancer, making routine colon cancer screening very important for catching these cancers while there is still a good chance of curing them. People who are at higher risk for colon cancer should speak with their doctor if they experience colon cancer symptoms, as early detection is important. This includes people over 50 years old, people with a family history of colon or breast cancer, people who are obese or follow a sedentary lifestyle, people with chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon or diabetes, and people who drink or consume a diet high in fat and low in fiber. The best test for detecting whether you actually have colon cancer is a colonoscopy, as it is the only test that examines the whole colon for polyps and other possible cancerous masses. Making lifestyle changes may help to lower you colon cancer risk. Consider losing weight if you are overweight or maintaining a healthy weight, stopping smoking, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising most days of the week and avoiding alcohol or only drinking alcohol in moderation.

What diseases can you get from smoking cigerattes?

Smoking causes stroke, lung cancer, throat cancer, tumors, oral cancer, emphysema, blindness, heart attack, and other diseases.

Is surgery is necessary after diagnose with colon cancer?

Surgery is the very first treatment after colon cancer positive diagnosis. Surgery is done to remove the cancerous growths from colon or rectum. For the cancer diagnosis at advance stages other treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be given along with surgery.