The words pandemic and epidemic refer to Infectious Diseases and their spread, and cancer is not considered an infectious disease in that respect. Sometimes a localized outbreak of a specific type of cancer that is unusually high and might mark an environmental hazard, may be called a "cancer outbreak in epidemic proportions" in a headline, as a descriptive phrase, but cancer is usually not referred to in that context.
leprosy is a pandemic disease
You should capitalize the word "pandemic" when it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence. For example, "COVID-19 pandemic" or "The pandemic has caused widespread disruptions."
The Third Pandemic was created in 1996.
Pandemic Studios was created in 1998.
Pandemic Studios ended in 2009.
Midwest Pandemic was created in 2005.
No, there will never be a real zombie pandemic, because you need space aliens for a zombie pandemic.
A pandemic. - this is a quick and simple guide on "how to" complete Pandemic 2.
the influenza pandemic rapidly killed tons of people in the middle ages