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Teen brains are still developing

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Q: Why is alcohol more damaging to the brain of a teen than to the brain of an adult?
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Heroin kills cells and affects your brain more directly.

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Is marijuana or alcohol more damaging to the overall body?

Alcohol by far as it does damage to your body and causes addiction.

What is more damaging to your body alcohol or smoking?

I would say alcohol because it kills your liver and other important organs.

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Does alcohol kill more brain cells crystal meth?

Both alcohol and crystal meth can be neurotoxic and lead to the death of brain cells. However, crystal meth is generally considered to be more neurotoxic than alcohol, as it can cause more damage to the brain and potentially lead to more severe cognitive impairments.

Does the brain receive greater percentage of alcohol than any other body organ?

no not all alcohol goes to the brain more so the liver.

What are the effects of TV on the adult brain?

Adult mind become more matured then before overall its good for adult mind

What injury would be the most damaging to survival out of the cerebral cortex brain stem cerebellum and hypothalamus?

Brain stem which controls breathing and heart rate. The lower the parts in the brain the more basic the functions the higher in the brain the more complex and evolved the function.

Why alcohol is quick find it's way to the brain because?

Alcohol is able to quickly reach the brain because it is lipid-soluble, allowing it to easily pass through cell membranes. Once in the bloodstream, alcohol is rapidly distributed throughout the body, including the brain, where it can affect neurotransmitter activity and brain function. The rapid effects of alcohol on the brain contribute to its ability to alter mood, cognition, and behavior.

What weights more brain or lungs?

The brain weighs more than the lungs. The average weight of an adult human brain is about 3 pounds, while the total weight of both lungs together is around 2.2 pounds.

What major effect does alcohol have on a teens brain?

The human body does not lose brain cell until about 21 years of age, where thousand are lost daily, Upto 21 you are constanly producing brain cells for education and preporation for adult hood. The affects of alcohol, drugs, smoking, caffeine and much more will result in loss of brain cell in the period in which it is most needed ie teenage year when the body and brain is taking on massive changes that will shape our future and our health in adult life. Drink in moderation along with water between drinks, and be safe.