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deficiency of iron

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Q: Why is RDWCV on a full blood count low as 12.1 The normal range is 14 - 16?
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Related questions

What is normal platelet count per mL of blood?

normal range is 150,000 to 450,000 per mm3 or per microliter of blood

What is the normal reference range for a total white blood cell count?

The average Leukocyte count is [4-10]

Should I be concerned if my white blood cell count was in the low normal range of 4.5?


What is the range for white blood cell count?

Anywhere from 3-5 The normal range for WB Cells is 4 -10

Normal iron count in blood?

It depends on whether you are male or female and also varies by the "normal" range for the lab where blood is drawn. If you have a lab report it should show both what your level is and what the "normal range" for that lab is for your gender.

What is the normal count for white blood cells?

Anywhere from 3-5 The normal range for WB Cells is 4 -10

Is 9.6 a normal white blood count?

Yes! Norm range is 4.25-10.25!

Is 5.8 on the low side for a white blood count?

5.8, that is 5,800 white blood cells per microliter of blood, is in the normal range. Although it varies from one person to the next, the normal range is about 4.5 to 10.

What is the normal range of platelet?

In an adult, a normal count is about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter (x 10-6/Liter) of blood.

Is a white blood cell count of 12400 considered abnormal?

Yes, the normal range of white blood cells is 4500 to 10000

What is the normal range of monocytes in blood count?

0.11 to 0.59 x 10^3/uL

Is 13.2 percent white blood cell count normal?

A white blood cell count of 13.2% is within the normal range. Normal white blood cell counts typically fall between 4.5% to 11% of total blood composition. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment of blood test results.