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  • there is a lack of money to provide medicines
  • there is a lack of education - which helps spread ignorance about the problem
  • there is a lack of media to carry positive messages about it
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13y ago
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11y ago

The infection rate of HIV/AIDS varies widely, although in general countries with lower GDPs ("poorer" countries) tend to have higher rates of infection. There are many reasons for this, including lack of basic health care infrastructure, political corruption, local religious or cultural rejection of Western medicine, lack of education and knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS, social norms regarding contraception use and female control of sexual behavior, etc. Not all countries have all these factors, and many countries faced with epidemic HIV/AIDS have been able to address these concerns to greatly reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

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12y ago

because they have so much germs you dont know who have what

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Q: Why is HIV a problem in Third World countries?
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What parts of the world do people contract HIV?

you can contract HIV from exchanging bodily fluids with anyone infected, it is not limited to a certain area. The hardest hit areas are central Africa which is believed to be the birthplace of the virus, and third world countries in general.

What are some current world problems?

Some current world problems include hunger, deforestation, HIV/AIDS, and the desiccation of the Sahara. Obesity is a problem in developed countries.

What place does HIV commonly occur in the world?

Third world country's especially in southern Africa.

Why developing countries are more affected by HIV positive then developes countries?

It is more of a wide spread problem purelythroughignorance and by this I mean that they are justsimplynot educated on the dangers of HIV and Aids, also they do not have the sameresourcesthat developed countries have, such as condoms and other forms of contraception, and antiviral drugs which help control the affects of HIV.

Is HIV and AIDS an international disease?

Yes, it is to be found in all countries of the world.

Which countries are affected by hiv and aids?

All countries in the world, with the highest prevalence on the African continent, especially sub-saran Africa

What countries have HIV?

all countries have HIV cases, but widespread cases of the disease are often found in developing nations in places such as africa.

If a person with HIV sleeps with his dog can the dog catch the virus?

No. There are no cases of dogs having the HIV virus. That said, sex with animals (bestiality) is a serious crime in most countries round the world.

What is the percent of people in the world with HIV?

80% of the world has HIV aids

Can you get hiv if you got a acne problem and you use restrooms that hiv infected people use?


Why is HIV such an enormous problem in Africa?

It isn't

AIDS is the third stage of HIV infection?

AIDs is the forth stage of HIV Infection.The four stages Of HIV are:Primary HIV InfectionAsymptomatic HIVSymptomatic HIVAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome