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Translated it means "cry of the cat" and children with this syndrome make a strange cry like a cat's miaow.

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Q: Why is Cri du chat called Cri du chat?
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Related questions

How do you diagnose cri-du-chat?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-diagnosis

What are the cures and treatments for cri du chat?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-treatment

What percent of the world's population has cri du chat syndrome?

Cri Du Chat syndrome is a rare Genetic disorder. About 10% of the population has Cri Du chat. There is no cure to this disease.

What are the symptoms of Cri Du chat syndrome?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-causes-and-symptoms

What is cri du chat scientific name?

The scientific name for cri du chat is 5p deletion syndrome.

Who is most likely to get cri du chat a male or female?

The person that is most likely to get cri du chat is YOUR MOM

Is cri du chat preventable?

no it is not

Where is cri du chat located?

Cri du Chat Syndrome or Chromosome 5p- is a chromosomal condition that results in brain abnormalities.

What is cri du chat in English?

It translates to "Cry of the cat." Cri du chat is a chromosomal disorder characterized by a cat-like cry in infants.

How many people get cri du chat syndrome each year?

approximitley 1 in 20,000- 1 in 50,000 get cri du chat a year

What is the treatment for cri du chat syndrome?

of 2004 there is no cure for cri du chat syndrome. Treatment consists of supportive care and developmental therapy.

What are signs of cri du chat syndrome in a baby?

A high-pitched mewing cry during infancy is a classic feature of cri du chat