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It is called a bruise or contusion, and is caused by blood vessels bursting under the skin due to the impact, forming a bulge.

They happen more easily on the head because there is less padding, the vessels are pushed against the skull on impact, with little subcutaneous fat or other tissues in the way. This is the reason why they are also more prominent, with the bone directly behind them, they can't do anything except bulge outwards. A thigh bruise on the other hand has soft tissues to push against inside the leg.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Your head has a much denser blood supply than most of the rest of your skin. It's there to support the hair. When you bump your shin on the coffee table, a modest amount of blood flows out, leaving a visible bruise. When you bump your head on the soccer goal, a much greater number of blood vessels are broken, resulting in a greater volume of escaped blood; therefore, a bump forms. You can get bumps on other parts of your body if the injury is sufficient. Take a line drive off your shin while pitching and you can get a really spectacular bump.

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16y ago

Bruising occurs when the walls of blood vessels are damaged and blood escapes into the tissues causing red , brown or greenish swelling. Over the next few weeks the body absorbs the blood and repairs the damage. Sometimes scarring follows and this can result in a lump that may be permanent.

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14y ago

While the head is very vascular (has many blood vessels), it does not have much of a fat layer between the skin and the skull. The arm, however, has more soft tissue and more fat, depending on the size and weight of the person. Also there are more large blood vessels in the arms and hands than in the head/face. Therefore, you're more likely to get a bump or knot on the forehead which may bruise later, and more likely to get a bruise faster on a forearm and most often wuthout a bump or knot.

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14y ago

I would assume it has to do with muscle vs. bone. If you bruise your shin, you will also have a bump.

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Q: Why if you get hit in the forehead you get a lump not a bruise like you would on your arm?
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It is probably because you have hit your bruise and formed a lump there.

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No. It has a lump, pain, and a bruise! I now pay better attention when I am walking. If I were to interpret this question, I would guess it means: Why didn't my shin bruise when I banged it, but a lump formed and it hurts?! A bruise will only form if a blood vessel is damaged. Tissue damage anywhere (shin included) will cause an inflammatory response (LUMP and PAIN). You damaged tissue, but no blood vessels.

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4 yr old hit forehead on metal gate 5 days ago carried on runningplaying afterward but still has bruise and a hard lump on forehead. Is this normalWhat should a lump feel like hard or soft?

A 4 year old who hit his head may have caused some injury, but if he is acting okay is not likely to be serious. The lump caused by such an injury will typically feel hard. If the area seems very sensitive the child should be taken to a doctor to make sure there is no skull fracture.

What is a hard lump and a bruise mean?

Bruises mean that some capillaries broke, and they bled under the skin. The hard lump is most likely from the bleeding. As the bruise fades away, the lump should go away with it.

Can a hickey cause a lump under the bruise in the breast?

I need to know that answer

What is wrong if you have a lump in your right breast and could it have been caused by your husband's harsh bite?

It is possible that the lump is caused from the trauma from the bite. It is kind of like a bruise but the blood pools into one place. If it is a bruise, the lump would be tender and should disappear in a couple of days if you massage and rotate it (this will disperse the pooled blood). Unfortunately there are many other things this lump could be - from swollen lymph nodes to a small benign growth to breast cancer. Please go and see a doctor about it if it is still there in a week. oh!my god!