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Because it is the central organ of the body, like a nucleous, it helps with the functions of the brain by pumping blood to your body allowing them to recieve oxygen, then helps your body to move.

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11y ago
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12y ago

The heart is slightly to the left because the left side of the heart is bigger. This is because blood pumped from the left side of the heart has to circulate to the organs and requires the left ventricle to have enough power to get it there whereas the right side pumps simply through the lungs and back to the left

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14y ago

the heart is actually in the middle of your body. the left side of your heart is just stronger because it is the side that pumps your blood throughout your body. That is why your heart feels like it is on the left side of your body.

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13y ago

It's not it is in the middle of the thorax between the two lungs!

Interestingly enough, it is actually in the middle in an area called the mediastinum. The reason that some people describe it as being on the left side is because the left side is bigger, and so it appears to be more on the left side. As far as the structures that contain the heart, the blood vessels and pericardium, it is truly indeed in the middle.

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14y ago

it is more in the middle but it is there for the blood to pump the fastest

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12y ago

Because that's where it is. There isn't any deep meaning to it. (Incidentally, it's not really on the left side... it's in the middle, just slightly left of center.)

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Can hart be on right side of human body?

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The heart is located in the mediastium thoracic cavity, slightly left of the midline.

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The left ventricle and the right ventricle. In a human, the heart is tilted in such a way that the right ventricle is closer to the chest, and the left ventricle is behind it.

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In women which side heart located?

Left side^Answer1It is actually in the middle of the chest but you can feel the pulse on the left side.^My AnswerThe heart is located in the center of the chest. People think that it is in the left side of the chest, but in reality it is in the center - it is tilted slightly to the left - and the left side generates more pressure - hence the thinking that it is left side.

Is it true that all womens have their heart in right side and all men have their heart in left side?

No, it is false. In both sexes the heart is located just behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone.