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First of all periods last 5-7 days not do not have two periods in one month STUPID!!

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Q: Why have you had two periods in one month straight after one another your periods are normally 30 days?
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Related questions

How many periods do you normally get a day?

Periods occur each month not each day Periods last a minimum of 5 days and can range to 7 days.

Is it possible to have your period for a whole month straight and with large blood clots?

It is not normal to have periods for over a month with clotting..this is an indication of a pathology. Seek medical advice asap

You had unprotected sex a month and got your periods normally recently will you get pregnant?

No, not unless you have had unprotected sex since your last period. Then there may be a chance.

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

Why do girls get periods for like a month straight?

Most girls will have their periods for 3-7 days approximately once a month. However, girls may experience PMS before they get their periods, and this may confuse some people into thinking they have their periods for several weeks. As well, some girls period's may fluctuate wildly for a variety of reasons. Generally anyone this happens to should talk to their doctor about it.

Why should you have two periods in a month?

It isn't that abnormal to have two periods in a month. However, sometimes it can occur, if you have a short cycle and your period starts at the beginning of the month. This would make it possible to have two periods in one month.

When your pregnant is your periods late just one month or every month?

While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

You have had regular periods for a year and then you have two in one month?

periods could happen twice in one month, but the next month, you might miss

Can a woman have a period what time she is pregnant?

normally once you are pregnant , your periods stop. but sometimes , some ladys still get a show every month, so they dont always think they are pregnant, because the think they are still having periods.

Im not on the pill but he wore a condom and ive missed that time of the month.?

Are you normally regular with periods? If yes then take a test, because usually girls who are regular would not miss an entire month condoms are 100 % effective

What does it mean when you have 2 periods in one month and not a period the following month?

You probally just have eregular periods its ok.

Why have you had to periods in a month?
