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You could be starting your period early, or have some sort of infection. if you have had unprotected sex, it could also be what is called implantation bleeding. I would recommend calling your dr in case it's an infection. ~pawsalmighty

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The only way to know what is causing it is to have an examination by a doctor (preferably a gynecologist), or other medical professional specializing in women's health, such as a Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant .

This can be normal in some cases, or it can be an indication of a problem that needs attention in others. Some women have this kind of discharge with vaginal infections or due to irregularity in their menstrual cycle from variations in hormone levels which can occur for different reasons. Your age; if applicable, your pregnancy and childbirth history; if you take Birth Control pills or other medications; how much discharge there is; other medical conditions you may have; how long since your last exam and pap smear; and many other factors must be considered by your medical professional to determine if urgent treatment is needed.

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Q: Why have you had brown discharge for 7 days when your period is not due for a week?
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Not usually, no.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period a week ago and then for two days you have brown discharge i had sex right after my period?

Its possible. You also could have gotten pregnant right before you period so you should wait a week then take a test.

You stopped your period a week ago and now you have a brown discharge is this normal?

Yes, this is normal. Your vagina is still "cleaning" itself out. The brown discharge is just old blood. Gross, I know, but it's totally normal. If you have brown discharge for more than a couple of days, I would see a doctor about that. Abnormal discharge can be a sign of an infection or STD.

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its not good tho, welcome to embarrising woman hood

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possibly, or it could be a very early miscarriage ....... or it could just be your body doing weird things during your period

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This is not a question. If you are worried talk to a doctor

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Is brown discharge a sign of pregnancy Due on in one week off the pill and last couple of days had sleepless nights?

No, brown discharge could one be a sign of a bacteria infection or two a brown discharge is a part o your hormones balancing out after getting off of your pill. There is 2 ways to know if you want or are pregnant. 1). One missed period 2). Blood test by your Gynocologist, wait for 2 weeks after your missed menstrual cycle.