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Depending on your age and your normal regularity, it could just be that you have an irregular cycle or it could be something like a hormone imbalance. Try contacting your doctor.

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Q: Why hasn't my period come again I started my period four months ago but I haven't had it since I'm definitely not pregnant?
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I quit birth control two months ago and havent started my period is that normal?

yes it can take 6 months to normalize your flow and 3 years to get pregnant. so relax and good luck Joymaker rn

Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.

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Yes, but you might be pregnant again.

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Oh my god, 212 months pregnant? That is definitely too long. A normal pregnancy lasts only 9 months. 212 months, that is more than 17 years!!! Incredible!!!

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would you be pregnet if you havent had your period for 3 months now

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yes that's y u havent hed from her by some white dud

Havent had a period for 2 months but not pregnant should you keep taking pill?

If you want to avoid pregnancy, you should keep taking the pill.

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Because you COULD get pregnant after 3 months and 1 day. I got pregnant 2 weeks after stopping the depo and switching to the pill. Everyone is different. I know of women who have been off the shot for years and still havent gotten pregnant.