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The average menstrual period lasts around 5-7 days but a little longer than that is not unusual - if it lasts over 14 days then it's recommended to see a doctor. Your menstrual flow isn't supposed to have clots, most of the lumps seen in menstrual flow is larger pieces of uterine lining, they're not always present.

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Q: Why has your period lasted 8 days heavy but with no clots?
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Your period only lasted two days and had lots of blood clots what is wrong?

So, your period only lasted two days and you had lots of blood clots and as a result you might be wondering what is wrong. For many females, their monthly period lasts between 3 and 7 days, with the flow usually light at the beginning, increasing after a day or two and then tapering off. It is also not uncommon to have some blood clots. If this experience is unusual for you, it might be worth seeking advice from your doctor who would be best fit to put your mind at rest.

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It is possible to experience heavy bleeding with blood clots during pregnancy, known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. However, it is also common for women to have irregular periods from time to time, which may include heavy bleeding. If you are concerned, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

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better go see your doctor ASAP !!!!!!

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your pregant your pregant

If your period was on the started on the 23rd of November and lasted 5 days when will your nxt period be?

December 23

Will my period stop on the 8th day I am freakin out my friend only lasted 7 days and I want it to stop today?

You period can last a few days or over a week and varies woman to woman. Do not worry about your period lasting 8 days if your friends only lasted 7.

Is it normal to pass blood clots bigger then your hand four days after your period?

No seek medical attention

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that whats happening to me expect my period was 10 days left and only lasted 1 day to this is driving me nuts I really want to know what is going on

Your period lasted only two days could you be pregnant?

it depend did you have sex