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Q: Why has gene mutation not been eliminated by natural selection?
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How does mutation fit into Darwin's theory of evolution?

It is one of several means of producing diversity on which the several mean of selection that drive evolution can act. Darwin knew nothing of mutation and only discussed diversity (without any mechanism to produce it) and what he called natural selection. There have been many of both types of processes discovered since Darwin.

How does tetracycline act as an agent for natural selction?

as the bacteria it was exposed to, eventually one strain mutated and this lead to a resistance to the antibiotic, and therefore the bacteria with the mutation was able to reproduce, where as the other bacteria would have been killed off by the antibiotic. Thus natural selection is achieved, yipee!(not for us)

Because ideas about evolution by natural selection have never been proven false what term can be used to describe a evolution by natural selection?

Scientific theory

What hypothesis have the Grants been testing?

The Grants have been able to provide clear evidence for natural selection and supported Darwin's theory. The hypothesis was that natural selection can occur many times in a lifetime.

How is natural selection done?

Genetic mutation and variation are the main drivers of phenotype characteristic differences among species. The organisms in a population that are better suited to survive and reproduce, survive and reproduce (propagate) more than the organisms that are less suited. Add to that sexual selection and you get a wide variety of species that seem to have been designed but were sculpted by blind processes. The process of genetic mutation and variation is not a hypothesis but a scientific theory that is based on observable facts and evidence.

What do creation scientists say about natural selection?

AnswerCreation scientists fully acknowledge natural selection as a mechanism of biological change.At the same time, they believe that natural selection only acts upon genetic information that already exists. Natural selection does not create new information. The variability that created the Galapagos Finch differences, as well as all the different dog breeds thus already existed in those populations.Natural selection alone cannot "make microbes into men." Although evolutionary biologists agree that natural selection does not introduce new genetic information, they concur the second mechanism of evolution, random mutation, DOES introduce new information both through gene duplication and by altering gene function, as has been observed.[Part of a specific article on the creationist website "WikiCreation" deals with this question. Please refer to the attached link for the article.]

What has been the driving force for the evolution of behavior in all animals.?

adaptation and natural selection

Why must there be variations in the population in order for natural selection to occur?

Natural selection works via a simple mechanism: certain organisms, though mutation, will be better-equipped for survival than others of their species. Over time, the better-adapted organisms will have a higher survival rate and, through interbreeding and simply outliving the competition, will eventually replace them. If there was no variation (mutation) in the population, there would be no better-adapted individuals, and no change. This has been the case with some species. Alligators, for example, have been around virtually unchanged (except for size) for nearly 100 million years. They are well-adapted adapted for survival in their environment as it is, and thus there is really no need for improvements that would lead to major evolutionary change.

Which is more likely to be true natural selection or evolution?

Evolution, of course. Evolution can happen without natural selection in some cases; drift, flow. Generally though, natural selection causes evolution and then, by definition, would come first.

What two people disproved evolution?

The Darwinian model of evolution by natural selection has not been disproved.

Who wrote a essay of natural selection?

Charles Darwin wrote the original, although there have been more recent people to revamp the idea of natural selection. best source of this type of information would be something related to ecology.

What body part of the Galapogus finches appears to been most mosified by natural selection?

The finches beak!!!